
August 22, 2018

“The current spate of Jew-baiting is … like a Lord Of the Flies of the Woke”

Filed under: Britain, Media, Politics — Tags: , , , , — Nicholas @ 05:00

Julie Burchill‘s latest column at Spiked:

As a lifelong cheerleader for the Jewish people, these recent months have been bittersweet for me; a highly unusual example of not wanting to be proved right. I resigned from the Guardian a whopping 15 years ago in protest over what I perceived as its slimy anti-Semitism – and, it must be admitted, the offer of three times the wages from The Times. I often wonder how the left-wing Jewish half-wits who slammed me then feel now that they’ve been well and truly trashed by the bullies they sucked up to.

The current spate of Jew-baiting is interesting in that it’s like a Lord Of the Flies of the Woke; raised on tofu and now high on the taste of blood, the snowflakes have finally found a minority group it’s fine to demonise, and my gosh, doesn’t that Two Minute Twitter Hate feel good! (The meekness of the diaspora Jews makes them honorary women in the eyes of the left – then the toughness of the Israelis sends the brosocialists into a maelstrom of cognitive dissonance a gogo.) But I’m hoping my Jewish chums and I can put the unpleasantness out of our minds for a few tuneful hours when Trevor Nunn’s revival of Fiddler On The Roof opens in December, just in time for Hanukkah.

This heart-warming story follows the fortunes of a Jewish milkman living in a Russian village with his wife and five daughters as he fights to hold on to his dignity among growing anti-Semitism – what a relief that times have changed! In the spirit of keeping an open mind, I’m going to apply the popular PC theory of extreme type-casting to my appreciation of the new Fiddler, and sincerely trust that JEWS ONLY will be cast in the main roles – I don’t mind if Gentiles play such minor roles as Russian Official and Priest. After all, the singer Sierra Boggess, after being judged too pallid for the role of West Side Story’s Puerto Rican heroine Maria in the BBC Proms production, recanted in a positively Orwellian fashion after social-media monstering. As did Scarlett Johansson recently after being being bullied out of a putative role as a cross-dresser. Women, eh? Even the divas among us are so used to saying sorry that it’s a wonder we ever got the vote – imagine the Suffragettes today, going around apologising to racehorses for being insufficiently sensitive to their shared cultural oppression!

The History of Virtual Reality – A New Place to Call Home – Extra Sci Fi – #1

Filed under: Books, History, Media — Tags: — Nicholas @ 04:00

Extra Credits
Published on 21 Aug 2018

From Aldous Huxley to Philip K. Dick, early references to virtual reality simulations abound in science fiction literature, and tremendously impacted consumer anticipation for VR technology available in the modern day. Many thanks to Oculus Rift for sponsoring the next two episodes of Extra Sci Fi and giving us a chance to explore our collective definition of virtual reality.

That’s not a minimum wage increase. This is a minimum wage increase!

Filed under: Americas, Economics, Government — Tags: , , — Nicholas @ 03:00

Fifteen dollars as a minimum wage? Pffffft. Venezuela just hiked their minimum wage to $30*. Your move, capitalist pigs.

We should indeed praise the success of Bolivarian Socialism in Venezuela. For they’ve been able to announce a 60 fold increase in the minimum wage. Isn’t that a massive boost to the fight against inequality, a proof that this state control of the economy raises the living standards of the poor? No, truly, we’re told, repeatedly, that raising the minimum wage is a necessary and important part of that fight against the drear circumstances facing the poor. The US minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, just think how rich we’d all be if that were $435 an hour. We could all work just the one hour a week and live well. The British minimum wage, raise it to £400 or so an hour. Why not? After all, Venezuela’s application of proper socialist principles has shown us what is possible.

* Spoiler: that’s $30 per month, not per hour. But it’s a vast increase over the previous minimum wage, no?

The 10 Worst British Military Aircraft

Filed under: Britain, History, Military, Technology — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 02:00

Hush Kit
Published on 5 Feb 2018

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If you want something done slowly, expensively and possibly very well, you go to the British. While Britain created the immortal Spitfire, Lancaster and Edgley Optica, it also created a wealth of dangerous, disgraceful and diabolical designs. These are just ten plucked from a shortlist of thirty. In defining ‘worst’- we’ve looked for one, or a combination, of the following: design flaws, conceptual mistakes, being extremely dangerous, being unpleasant to fly, or obsolete at the point of service entry (and the type must have entered service). Grab a cup of tea, and prepare for ire as you read about ten machines they wanted your dad, grandad or great grandad to fly to war. I’d love to hear your opinions below. The original article can be found here: https://hushkit.net/2016/03/02/the-te…

QotD: Corruption

Filed under: Government, Quotations — Tags: — Nicholas @ 01:00

People do not oppose corruption in politics and government. They oppose only the corruption that does not steer loot and social domination to them. After all, the entire process of so-called democratic government is nothing but corruption writ large and backed by the threat of violent force.

Robert Higgs, “Political and Governmental Corruption Is a Feature, Not a Bug”, The Beacon, 2016-11-04.

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