A fascinating set of Twitter updates from Andrew Coyne this afternoon:
Oh good lord. @jasonfekete: McGuinty: “I have offered my resignation as energy & natural resources critic to my leader, and he has accepted”
— Andrew Coyne (@acoyne) November 21, 2012
This is absolutely ridiculous. At worst — at worst — his comments were impolitic. But a resigning offence? Holy creepola.
— Andrew Coyne (@acoyne) November 21, 2012
If it is now beyond the pale for members of the national Parliament to urge other members of the national Parliamnt to take a national view…
— Andrew Coyne (@acoyne) November 21, 2012
I mean I understand the context (thanks helpful tweeters), but we should just pause to acknowledge the absurdity of what just went down.
— Andrew Coyne (@acoyne) November 21, 2012
What we in fact need is for more MPs to call each other out for being parochial little shills for local or regional interests.
— Andrew Coyne (@acoyne) November 21, 2012
And I would say that for every one of the parochial little provinces in this parochial little country.
— Andrew Coyne (@acoyne) November 21, 2012
Can we just be clear on this? All of you: British Columbians, Albertans, Saskatchewanians, Manitobans, Ontarians, Quebecers…
— Andrew Coyne (@acoyne) November 21, 2012
… New Brunswickers, Nova Scotians, Prince Edward Islanders, Newfoundlanders – sorry, Newfoundland-and-Labradorians …
— Andrew Coyne (@acoyne) November 21, 2012
– no, fuck it, Newfoundlanders — you are, all of you,impossible to take: brittle, flinty, convinced the rest of Cda is out to get you…
— Andrew Coyne (@acoyne) November 21, 2012
… and not prepared, ever, any of you, to put the national interest ahead of your own precious little piece of the planet, and your own…
— Andrew Coyne (@acoyne) November 21, 2012
… death-grip on the national purse.
— Andrew Coyne (@acoyne) November 21, 2012