Published 6 Jul 2021The Late Bronze Age is a story of collapse. From New Kingdom Egypt to Hittite Anatolia, from the Assyrian Empire to Babylonia and Mycenaean Greece, the coming of the Sea Peoples is a terror that threatens the end of all things. Between April and July 2021, Sean Gabb explored this collapse with his students. Here is one of his lectures. All student contributions have been removed.
December 31, 2022
Coming of the Sea Peoples: Part 6 – Crete and the Minoans
December 27, 2022
Coming of the Sea Peoples: Part 5 – The Hittites
Published 6 Jul 2021[Unfortunately, parts 3 and 4 of this lecture series were not uploaded due to sound issues with the recording].
The Late Bronze Age is a story of collapse. From New Kingdom Egypt to Hittite Anatolia, from the Assyrian Empire to Babylonia and Mycenaean Greece, the coming of the Sea Peoples is a terror that threatens the end of all things. Between April and July 2021, Sean Gabb explored this collapse with his students. Here is one of his lectures. All student contributions have been removed.
December 20, 2022
Coming of the Sea Peoples: Part 2 – The Old and New Chronology of the Bronze Age
Published 2 May 2021The Late Bronze Age is a story of collapse. From New Kingdom Egypt to Hittite Anatolia, from the Assyrian Empire to Babylonia and Mycenaean Greece, the coming of the Sea Peoples is a terror that threatens the end of all things. Between April and July 2021, Sean Gabb explored this collapse with his students. Here is one of his lectures. All student contributions have been removed.
December 16, 2022
Coming of the Sea Peoples: Part 1 – Prelude
Published 1 May 2021The Late Bronze Age is a story of collapse. From New Kingdom Egypt to Hittite Anatolia, from the Assyrian Empire to Babylonia and Mycenaean Greece, the coming of the Sea Peoples is a terror that threatens the end of all things. Between April and July 2021, Sean Gabb explored this collapse with his students. Here is one of his lectures. All student contributions have been removed.
More by Sean Gabb on the Ancient World:
Learn Latin or Greek or both with him:
His historical novels (under the pen name “Richard Blake”):…
October 28, 2022
History Summarized: Mycenaean Greece & the Bronze Age Collapse
Overly Sarcastic Productions
Published 24 Jun 2022I’m pronouncing Mycenaean & Mycenae with a hard “K” sound because that’s how it sounds in Greek, and I would not be so impolite as to mispronounce the name of the first Greek-speaking civilization in history. (The name of “Mycenae” can be spelled Μυκῆναι or Μυκήνη, and I’m using the first one: mee-KEE-neh)
September 11, 2022
Are we looking at a modern equivalent to the Bronze Age Collapse?
If you’re feeling happy and optimistic, Theophilus Chilton has a bucket of cold water to douse you with:

Migrations, invasions and destructions during the end of the Bronze Age (c. 1200 BC), based on public domain information from DEMIS Mapserver.
Map by Alexikoua via Wikimedia Commons.
Regular readers know that I’ve talked about collapse (as well as the implied regeneration that follows it) on here a lot. In nearly all cases, though, I’ve discussed it within a specifically American context – the collapse of the present American system and the potential for one or more post-American successor states arising in place of the present globohomo order. However, we should recognise that collapse is a general phenomenon that affects any and all large nations eventually. Just as America is not a special snowflake who is exempt from the laws of demographic-structural theory, so also is she not the only one subject to them.
Further in this vein, we should recognise that no major nation is isolated from its neighbours. No matter how self-sufficient, sooner or later everybody gets hooked up into trade networks. As trade networks expand, you develop world systems that display increased international interconnectedness and interdependency. From a demographic-structural perspective, the interconnectedness of these global systems acts to “synch up” the secular cycles of the nations involved as “information flows” increase. The upside to this is that when one part of the system prospers, everyone does. The downside, of course, is that when one part collapses, everyone does as well.
There are several historical examples of this kind of interconnected system synching up and then collapsing. Probably one of the most well-known examples would be the Bronze Age collapse which occurred in the Mediterranean world system roughly between 1225-1150 BC. Likely due to several shocks to the system working in tandem (drought, volcanic eruptions, migrations into the Balkans from the north, etc.), a series of invasions of the Sea Peoples spread out across the entire eastern end of the Mediterranean, toppling Mycenaean Greece and the Hittite Empire, and nearly did the same to Egypt. From there, the shocks moved outward throughout the rest of Anatolia and Syro-Palestine and eastward into Mesopotamia, disrupting the entire interconnected trade network. The system was apparently already primed to be toppled by these jolts, however, due to the top-heavy political structures (elite overproduction) and overspecialisation in these empires that contributed to their fragility in the face of system shocks. When the first one fell, the effects spread out like dominoes falling in a row.
There is evidence that this collapse extended beyond the Mediterranean basin and disrupted the civilisation existing in the Nordic Bronze Age around the Baltic Sea. Right around the same time that Bronze Age Mediterranean society was collapsing, serious changes to society in the Baltic basin were also taking place, primarily due to the disruption of trade routes that connected the two regions, with amber flowing south and metals and prestige goods returning north. During this period, the population in the area transitioned from a society organised primarily around scattered villages and farms into one that became more heavily militarised and centred around fortified towns, indicating that there was a change in the region’s elite organisation, or at least a strong modification of it (remember that collapse phases are characterised by struggles between competing elite groups). A large battle that dates to this era has been archaeologically uncovered in the Tollense Valley of northeastern Germany which is thought to have involved over 5000 combatants — a huge number for this area at this time, indicating more centralised state-like organisational capacities than were previously thought to have existed in the region. All in all, the evidence seems to suggest that this culture underwent some type of collapse phase at this time, likely in tandem with that occurring further south.
Other times and places have also seen such world system collapses take place. for instance, when the western Roman Empire was falling in the 3rd-5th centuries AD, the entire Mediterranean basis (again) underwent a systemwide socioeconomic collapse and decentralisation. More recently, the entire Eurasian trade system, from England to China, underwent a synchronised collapse phase in the early 17th century AD that saw revolutions, elite conflict, decentralisation, and social simplification take place across the length of the continent.
The great irony of interconnectedness is that too much of it actually works to reduce resilience within a system. Because an intensively globalised world system entails a lot of specialisation as different parts begin to focus on the production of different commodities needed within the network, this makes each part of the system more dependent upon the others. This works to reduce the resiliency of each of these individual parts, and the greater interconnectedness allows failure in one part to be communicated more widely and rapidly to other parts than might otherwise be the case in less interconnected systems.
June 23, 2022
1177 B.C.: When Civilization Collapsed | Eric Cline
Long Now Foundation
Published 19 Apr 2020Consider this, optimists. All the societies in the world can collapse simultaneously. It has happened before.
In the 12th century BCE the great Bronze Age civilizations of the Mediterranean — all of them — suddenly fell apart. Their empires evaporated, their cities emptied out, their technologies disappeared, and famine ruled. Mycenae, Minos, Assyria, Hittites, Canaan, Cyprus — all gone. Even Egypt fell into a steep decline. The Bronze Age was over.
The event should live in history as one of the great cautionary tales, but it hasn’t because its causes were considered a mystery. How can we know what to be cautious of? Eric Cline has taken on on the mystery. An archaeologist-historian at George Washington University, he is the author of 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed. The failure, he suggests, was systemic. The highly complex, richly interconnected system of the world tipped all at once into chaos.
“1177 B.C.: When Civilization Collapsed” was given on January 11, 2016 as part of Long Now’s Seminar series. The series was started in 2003 to build a compelling body of ideas about long-term thinking from some of the world’s leading thinkers. The Seminars take place in San Francisco and are curated and hosted by Stewart Brand. To follow the talks, you can:
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March 1, 2021
Why the Bronze Age Collapse matters today. Dr. Eric Cline (If Civilization Collapsed Would We Know?)
Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Published 13 Jun 2020Ladies and Gentlemen we arrive finally to the part of our series that you have all been waiting for! And that is the Bronze Age Collapse and here to guide us through it is none other than Dr. Eric Cline, the rock star archaeologist, historian and author of none other than 1177 BC!
He will give us an overview history of the collapse along with sharing his own personal views on the subject! Guiding us briefly through archaeology, trade, national politics, and contact in the ancient Mediterranean we will get a nice picture of the Bronze Age and how it all came crashing down in a perfect storm of events. But what is ever more awesome is he even gives us the inside scoop on why he wrote 1177 BC? And how he did it!
But at the end of this episode we come to our modern world and Dr. Cline explains why the Bronze Age Collapse matters today. What we need to look at when comparing it to our modern world and the current events and impacts affecting our world. Did the peoples living through the Bronze Age Collapse know they were living in a collapse? And he asks a delicate and intense question and that is if civilization collapsed today would we know?
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Image credits: Manna Nader, Gabana Studios Cairo
Hittite 3D City and intro footage credits: 3D reconstruction of Imperial Hittite Karkemish by Giampaolo Luglio, Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition to Karkemish directed by Nicolò Marchetti (University of Boologna)
KARKEMISH (Carchemish) 1300 BC (3D) – The Southern Capital of the Empire Hittite
Music Attribution: Herknungr – Megaliths | Dark Neolithic Meditive Shamanic Ambient Music
November 18, 2020
Did the Sea Peoples Sack Troy? Dr. Eric Cline | 1177BC | Bronze Age Collapse
The Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Published 17 Nov 2020In this episode the well renowned scholar and archaeologist Dr. Eric Cline (author of 1177BC) discusses his views on whether or not the Sea Peoples of the Late Bronze Age Collapse sacked Troy.
Basic overviews for beginners:
Trojan War Definition: a ten-year war waged by the confederated Greeks under Agamemnon against the Trojans to avenge the abduction of Helen, wife of Menelaus, by Paris, son of the Trojan king Priam, and ending in the plundering and burning of Troy.
The Late Bronze Age Collapse: This was a transition period in the Near East, Anatolia, the Aegean region, North Africa, the Caucasus, the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age, a transition which historians believe was violent, sudden, and culturally disruptive.
The Sea Peoples: A purported seafaring confederation that attacked ancient Egypt and other regions of the Eastern Mediterranean prior to and during the Late Bronze Age collapse (1200–900 BCE).
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History of Ancient Greece…Archaeology and the Iliad: The Trojan War in Homer and History…The History of Ancient Israel: From the Patriarchs Through the Romans…Check out our new store!
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Hittite 3D City and intro footage credits: 3D reconstruction of Imperial Hittite Karkemish by Giampaolo Luglio, Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition to Karkemish directed by Nicolò Marchetti (University of Boologna)
KARKEMISH (Carchemish) 1300 BC (3D) – The Southern Capital of the Empire Hittite
Music Attribution: Herknungr – Megaliths | Dark Neolithic Meditive Shamanic Ambient Music
Trojan Horse Art:…
September 28, 2020
What Happened After The Bronze Age Collapse?
Published 17 Jun 2020What Happened After The Bronze Age Collapse?
This video covers the period of time from the Bronze Age collapse through the Near Eastern dark age and to the first Iron Age empire.
This video is sponsored by my Patrons over on Patreon
From the comments:
3 months ago
Additional info some might find interesting:Although the Arameans emerged from arid Southern Syria (in a similar manner to the earlier Amorites, taking advantage of a power vacuum) it is debated whether or not they were originally from there, with some believing they came from the Zagros mountains to Syria, before re-entering Mesopotamia. Others believe they were related to the Amorites, essentially they were the Amorites that stayed behind. There is also some debate if Ahlamu (also from the same region) is a synonym for Aramean or if it was a more broad generic term for the nomads, outlaws and ruffians of the region. (For example the Suteans, Chaldeans and Arameans may have all been considered Ahlamu) It is also interesting that many fugitives from authority in previous centuries found refuge in the frontier Ahlamu regions of the south.
All of that more or less got cut out of the video, and I thought some of you would find interesting.
August 11, 2020
David Warren offers an unusually contrarian view of the Bronze Age collapse
Sea Peoples? Faugh, Mr. Warren isn’t buying any of that old rope. It wasn’t earthquakes, famine, plagues, or even multiple waves of heavily armed undocumented immigrants landing on the shores … it was mere “progress”:

Migrations, invasions and destructions during the end of the Bronze Age (c. 1200 BC), based on public domain information from DEMIS Mapserver.
Map by Alexikoua via Wikimedia Commons.
When did the Bronze Age end, and the Iron Age begin? The ages of plastic, silicon, and graphene may have succeeded even the latter, but I’m still not comfortable with iron. Neither were the Cypriots, nor the Egyptians, incidentally — some thirty-something centuries back. Before even that, iron was freely available in a globalized world. I once took a modified fishing boat from Cyprus to Mersin; I wouldn’t encourage swimming it. But the voyage is not far, and too quick with a motor. Even in a row boat, it would have been easy to smuggle ferrous materials, either way.
Yet for centuries, such “highly sophisticated” societies as those of Cyprus and Egypt, stuck with copper and bronze; with gold and silver adornments. The rest of the world might have been with the progressive agenda, but they were not. I speculate that they didn’t like the way iron rusts; there’s something cheap about it. But whatever the objection, they stood their ground. There are old iron objects to be found in both places, but few.
Much later, when the “lifestyle” advocates for the new fashionable metal had won out, and the tide of iron was flooding, it is interesting that the craftsmanship of objects is relaxed. Even ceramics become dull, boring, repetitious; skills are forgotten. We have craftsmen who obviously don’t give a damn any more, just like today. We have the encroaching realm of “productivity,” quantity. Soon these places are easy to knock over, by the conquering savages always lurking about.
We have conservative societies, overwhelmed by technology; and no longer trading on their own terms. In the larger Minoan sphere, we have barbarization. Dynastic Egypt will survive only in Coptic fragments. Greeks, Romans, and finally Arabs will be trashing the place. Ancient civilizations fall.
I regret “progress.” We should resist it heart and soul.
July 27, 2020
The Bronze Age Collapse (approximately 1200 B.C.E.)
Historia Civilis
Published 25 Jul 2020Just casually thinkin bout the end of the world. No, no reason, why?
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Website | http://historiacivilis.comSources:
The Medinet Habu Inscription |
David O’Connor & Stephen Quirke, Mysterious Lands |
Eric H. Cline, 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed |
Robert Drews, The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe ca. 1200 B.C. |
Paul Kriwaczek, Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization |
Oliver Dickinson, The Aegean From Bronze Age to Iron Age: Continuity and Change Between the Twelfth and Eighth Centuries B.C. |
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From the comments:
ka v
1 day ago
I got Sea People Return in the December slot of my 2020 Apocalypse bingo card.
June 22, 2020
Mycenaean Greece and the Bronze Age Collapse ~ Dr. Eric Cline (Archaeologist / Historian / 1177 BC)
The Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Published 20 Jun 2020In this video we briefly discuss the Bronze Age Collapse and none other than Mycenaean Greece and what contributed to the Greek Dark Ages. Did the Sea Peoples invade? Was there an internal rebellion like a peasant revolt? Drought, Earthquakes and Famine? We cover a variety of topics which also includes debunking the Dorian Invasion. We also take a look at migrations and depopulations of major centers as populations moved elsewhere during this calamity.
Support Dr. Eric Cline at the links below!
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GW pages:…
https://anthropology.columbian.gwu.ed… and the Iliad: The Trojan War in Homer and History…The History of Ancient Israel: From the Patriarchs Through the Romans…Image credits: Manna Nader, Gabana Studios Cairo
Hittite 3D City and intro footage credits: 3D reconstruction of Imperial Hittite Karkemish by Giampaolo Luglio, Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition to Karkemish directed by Nicolò Marchetti (University of Boologna)
KARKEMISH (Carchemish) 1300 BC (3D) -The Southern Capital of the Empire Hittite
Music Attribution: Herknungr – Megaliths | Dark Neolithic Meditive Shamanic Ambient Music
June 16, 2020
Plague and the Bronze Age Collapse ~ Dr. Louise Hitchcock
The Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Published 16 May 2020Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the series NAUE II SWORDS, GERMS, & IRON brought to us by none other than Dr. Louise Hitchcock and this episode is going to be about plague and the Bronze Age collapse. This episode will also be drawing on modern parallels such as “What Covid-19 Can Tell Us About the Bronze Age (12th cent) Collapse?”
It will dive into the Bronze Age and discuss was plague a contributing factor in decline of the Bronze Age and the birth of the Iron Age? How familiar were the ancient peoples with plague and epidemics and what do the ancient literary sources tell us? From discussing plague in ancient Mesopotamia to the Philistine Plague to a Hittite King who falls prey to a deadly disease we explore new thoughts, theories and research involving a period that we all love and a subject that could not be more relevant and that is plague.
Check out the awesome work of Dr. Hitchcock at these links below!
Academia profile where you can access her work that is free to the public.…
Get her books here!
Aegean Art and Architecture:…
Minoan Architecture: A Contextual Analysis:…
Theory for Classics:…
DAIS: The Aegean Feast….
Tell It In Gath: Studies in the History and Archaeology of Israel. Essays in Honor of Aren M. Maeir on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday…Follow her on Twitter:
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instagram:…Image credits: Manna Nader, Gabana Studios Cairo
Hittite 3D City and intro footage credits: 3D reconstruction of Imperial Hittite Karkemish by Giampaolo Luglio, Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition to Karkemish directed by Nicolò Marchetti (University of Boologna)
KARKEMISH (Carchemish) 1300 BC (3D) – The Southern Capital of the Empire Hittite
Music Attribution: Herknungr – Megaliths | Dark Neolithic Meditive Shamanic Ambient Music
Footage of Ugarit Credit goes to Ruptly. Video Title : Syria: Ancient city of Ugarit freed from Islamic State control
June 2, 2020
Who were the Hittites? The history of the Hittite Empire explained in 10 minutes
Published 30 Nov 2018Who were the Hittites? (The Hittite Empire explained in 10 minutes) Animated history
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