
January 18, 2020

Paul Sellers’ Desktop Organiser | Episode 1

Filed under: Tools, Woodworking — Tags: , , — Nicholas @ 06:00

Paul Sellers
Published 17 Jan 2020

Our Desktop Organiser series was originally released for free on Woodworking Masterclasses, to see Episode 2 straight away click here: https://woodworkingmasterclasses.com/…

Episode 2 will be released on YouTube on Friday 31st January.

Making smaller projects like this one can elevate the demand for precise handwork and the constant throughout this opening video is to establish accuracy first off.

Though this box is similar to one made in Paul’s foundational woodworking course, the design progresses to include all the tenets of drawer making and fitting. The box must be made to exacting tolerances, so Paul takes you one step at a time to show how he works to that end. You can choose any wood you like or have to hand, from Pine to Sapele and Oak to Spruce. If you are new to woodworking, you might prefer to practice some of the steps before you begin the whole box.

For a free PDF of the drawing and cutting list, click here: https://paulsellers.com/desktop-organ…

Want to learn more about woodworking?

Go to Woodworking Masterclasses for weekly project episodes: http://bit.ly/2JeH3a9

Go to Common Woodworking for step-by-step beginner guides and courses: http://bit.ly/35VQV2o

http://bit.ly/2BXmuei for Paul’s latest ventures on his blog


Instagram: http://bit.ly/2oWpy7W

Twitter: http://bit.ly/33S7RFa

Pinterest: http://bit.ly/35X5uTf

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