
March 11, 2023

British attitudes to crime differ substantially between average Britons and the ruling elite

Filed under: Britain, Government, Law — Tags: , , , — Nicholas @ 05:00

Scott Alexander does a monthly roundup of interesting links and this one popped up for his March collection:

Looks like the British population is tough on crime (h/t James Johnson):

… including about 15% who want prison time for not wearing a seatbelt, 47% who want prison time for sexist abuse on social media, and 80% who want prison time for possession of a knife (and 18% think it should be over five years)! Meanwhile, in actual Britain, a guy with multiple previous violence convictions who brutally assaulted a cyclist and then stomped on her head while she lay unconscious was let off with community service. This is an interesting contrast to see in a democracy!

As an illustration of the rift between the people who suffer from the criminal and sub-criminal activities of the “non-law-abiding community” and those who are fully insulated from that same community, this is pretty typical. Very similar rifts would almost certainly be found in Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. When you have no skin in the game, you can let your virtue signalling freak flag fly, and our elites have no skin in the game.

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