
July 10, 2022

Seven easy steps to fix military procurement

Filed under: Bureaucracy, Military, Technology, USA, Weapons — Tags: — Nicholas @ 03:00

CDR Salamander wrote these for the US military, so some of them are far out-of-scale for tiddlers like the Canadian Armed Forces, but the spirit is still valid and relevant:

1. No weapon system presently under production will be allowed to stop production until its replacement is under production itself.

2. Acknowledge we have lied to ourselves for decades actual magazine requirements in war (use “new” lessons from the Russo-Ukraine War for the tender to save face — whatever works) — and accelerate/restart production of everything from ASW weapons to strike weapons of all types.

3. Acknowledge that we do not have enough weapons — specifically anti-air and land attack — on our warships. Every war proves this and recent experience tells us this.

4. If I take away your access to satellite VOX & DATA and you cannot navigate and fight, you are not a wartime asset and your funding sent somewhere useful.

5. Accelerate capacity for repair away from fleet concentration areas, preferably afloat. Maximize production of sealift and begin the process to replace the C-5M.

6. If your combat unit does not have organic, robust unmanned ISR under the command of your unit’s commander, you are worthless in the war to come and you will have such a capability by FY25 or you will be disestablished.

7. Pass the Salamander Bill: no General of Flag Officer shall, for a period no less than 5-yrs from retirement date, receive compensation of any kind or anything of value from any publicly or privately held company that does business with the federal government, nor shall they serve in any non-paid positions with same.

Yes, #7 is important. If you have not realized why in 2022, you are part of the problem.

The Berthier Gets an Upgrade: The Model 1916

Filed under: France, History, Military, Weapons, WW1 — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 02:00

Forgotten Weapons
Published 26 Jul 2017


The “Modifié 1916″ update to the Berthier system of rifles and carbines marked a major improvement in the gun’s combat effectiveness — really the first substantial overhaul to the design since it was developed in 1890. The two main elements of the upgrade were the addition of an upper handguard and an extension of the magazine from 3 rounds to 5, to match the capacity of the Mauser rifles used by Germany. In addition, several other improvements were made at the same time, including a redesign of the sights to favor quick target acquisition over long range precision and the addition of luminous radium elements to the sights. The upgrade package originally also included a dust cover over the bolt, but this was dropped for reasons I have not been able to determine.

This upgrade package was formally adopted in late 1916, and would go into production in 1917. However, it took a substantial time for the weapons to filter down to the front lines, and only a small number of M16 carbines and a very small number of M16 long rifles actually saw combat service before the Armistice. The M16 pattern (particularly the carbines) would form the standard armament for the French military right up to World War II, however, with Berthier carbine production continuing until 1939.

If you enjoy Forgotten Weapons, check out its sister channel, InRangeTV! http://www.youtube.com/InRangeTVShow

QotD: The difference between courage and fearlessness

Filed under: Media, Quotations — Tags: , , — Nicholas @ 01:00

Grrl power is based on wanting girls to be courageous. But the writers who do the scripts for grrl power movies seem to have have a fundamental misunderstanding of courage. Courage does not mean not being afraid of anything. I was watching the live-action reboot of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and I really got tired of the heroine, who kept saying “I’m not afraid” over and over, even in situations where she really ought to be afraid. That’s not courage, that’s foolhardiness. Like that stupid “fearless girl” sculpture they put in front of the charging bull on Wall Street. Within about 5 seconds, the girl is going to be dying from massive internal injuries caused by horns and hooves. No, courage means being able to put aside your fear so that you can do whatever duty is required of you. “Fearless girl” isn’t really doing anything, she’s just striking a pose. That doesn’t mean girls can’t be brave. They certainly can be. You know who I think is a good example of grrl power? Dorothy Gale. You know, the character played by Judy Garland in the classic Wizard of Oz film. I don’t know about the character in the book, but in the film version, Dorothy spent most of the journey through Oz scared to death. But do you know what? She slapped a dangerous lion in the snout. She threw water on a witch. And she called out a wizard with god-like powers for being a lying sh*tweasel. She was not any less afraid, but but she did what was needed to be done at the time she needed to act. That’s courage. That’s grrl power. And she didn’t just stand there striking a pose.

OregonMuse, “The Morning Rant”, Ace of Spades H.Q., 2019-03-16.

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