
February 13, 2022

QotD: Marx’s labour theory of value gets tenure

Filed under: Economics, Education, Quotations, USA — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 01:00

According to the Collge Fix, labor-based grading “involves assigning grades based on the ‘labor’ students put into their assignments, rather than the grammar, style and quality of their work.”

At last, we know the answer to the question almost no one was asking: What happens when Karl Marx’s labor theory of value gets tenure?

The labor theory of value is very popular on the Left, probably because it makes no sense. Marx — who never labored once in his entire life — proposed that “labor” has inherent value, that “if we disregard the use-value of commodities, they have only one property left, that of being products of labor.”

I assure you it sounds even stupider in the original German.

The short version is that “labor” determines a product’s value, not the competitive marketplace.

It’s a crackpot theory, easily demolished.

Take the example of a skilled pastry chef and … me.

Give a few dollars worth of flour, sugar, butter, etc., to that chef and after a couple of hours of his labors, he can sell you a gorgeous and tasty cake that you would be happy to pay a lot of money to buy.

I don’t bake and have no interest in baking. Let me labor on those same ingredients for the same two hours, and you’ll get a hot mess worth less than the value of the ingredients that went into it.

(Apologies: This is not my example, but I can’t find an online resource listing the original author. [I first encountered this in a Robert Heinlein novel, but he may have been paraphrasing someone else])

It’s not the “labor,” it’s the results.

Now we’re supposed to apply this same thinking to grading English papers.

We’re supposed to accept that one student’s craptaculently-written essay has the same value as another student’s beautifully written paper because they both put the same amount of labor into writing them.

What Inoue wants college instructors to do is apply crackpot Marxist theory to those who will be disadvantaged the most if they aren’t taught proper English.

Stephen Green, “Fight ‘White Language Supremacy,’ Prof Will Grade on ‘Labor’ Not Results”, Vodkapundity, 2021-11-10.

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