
February 3, 2022

Colonies Lead the Way: Charger-Loading Lee Enfield MkI India Pattern

Filed under: Britain, History, India, Military, Weapons — Tags: , , — Nicholas @ 02:00

Forgotten Weapons
Published 27 Sep 2021



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While the Indian Army was looked down upon by much of the British military, it saw much more combat service than its European counterpart. The Indian Army was actually faster than the British to recognize and adopt a number of small arms improvements, and the CLLE MkI India Pattern is a good example.

When the mobile charger guide was first adopted by the British military, no effort was made to retrofit earlier rifles with it. The Indians, however, saw the advantage and began to convert Long Lees to the Charger-Loading configuration as early as 1905. Between then and 1909, some 22,000 of these MkI I.P. rifles were assembled at the Ishapore Arsenal. Following the adoption of the fixed charger bridge, a MkII I.P. became the new standard, with the fixed guide instead of the mobile one.

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QotD: Canadian political discourse

Filed under: Cancon, Humour, Politics, Quotations — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 01:00

[Y]ou can end all argument on any issue in Canada by saying a proposal is “American-style”. I’m waiting for someone to seriously argue for abolishing elections, since they lead to “American-style argument, disunity and wasteful spending on political campaigns”.

Damian Penny, “More Chaoulli-related thoughts”, Daimnation, 2005-06-13.

Dave Rudell formulates a Canadian version of Godwin’s law in the comments:

    Maybe we need an analogy to Godwin’s Law for political discourse in Canada. It could be something like; as the length of a political discussion among (between) Canadians increases, the probability of someone using the phrase “American-Style” approaches one. Of course, we’d also have to add the corollary; the person who invokes the phrase “American-Style” has probably just lost the argument.

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