
February 3, 2022

QotD: Canadian political discourse

Filed under: Cancon, Humour, Politics, Quotations — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 01:00

[Y]ou can end all argument on any issue in Canada by saying a proposal is “American-style”. I’m waiting for someone to seriously argue for abolishing elections, since they lead to “American-style argument, disunity and wasteful spending on political campaigns”.

Damian Penny, “More Chaoulli-related thoughts”, Daimnation, 2005-06-13.

Dave Rudell formulates a Canadian version of Godwin’s law in the comments:

    Maybe we need an analogy to Godwin’s Law for political discourse in Canada. It could be something like; as the length of a political discussion among (between) Canadians increases, the probability of someone using the phrase “American-Style” approaches one. Of course, we’d also have to add the corollary; the person who invokes the phrase “American-Style” has probably just lost the argument.

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