
May 6, 2019

Queen Nzinga – The Double Queen – Extra History – #2

Filed under: Africa, History, Military, Religion — Tags: , , , — Nicholas @ 06:00

Extra Credits
Published on 4 May 2019

Nzinga was briefly, temporarily supplanted by Ngola Hari who had been installed by the Portuguese, but she was determined to let nothing get in the way of keeping West Africa safe from colonial powers. To achieve this end, she would go on to form — and break, as she pleased — alliances with the Dutch, the Imbangala, and even the Catholic Church!

Thanks again to Cassandra Khaw for guest-writing this mini-series!

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From the comments:

Extra Credits
Queen Nzinga is a woman who, despite being one of the best-documented rulers in early modern Africa, still presents a puzzle. Her record, from ambitious noble, to guerrilla fighter, to consummate diplomat and religious reformer is still haunted by myths conjured up by her enemies — and a few constructed by Nzinga herself.

Catch our Lies episode next week for behind-the-scenes on our research for the Siege of Vienna and Queen Nzinga series!

Tree of Life Explorer

Filed under: History, Science — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 05:00

A tweet from Simon Kuestenmacher (@simongerman600) included this graphic, which is a static version of the full Tree of Life Explorer (which is well worth a visit):

Mers El Kebir: When The British Blew Up the French Fleet

Filed under: Britain, France, History, Military, WW2 — Tags: , , , , — Nicholas @ 04:00

Published on 4 May 2019

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Colin Smith, England’s Last War Against France: Fighting Vichy 1940-42

Stephen Roskill, Churchill and the Admirals

Correli Barnett, Engage the enemy more closely



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“Casual sex” isn’t actually all that casual to most women

Filed under: Health, Liberty, USA — Tags: , , , , — Nicholas @ 03:00

Suzanne Venker makes the case that the innate physiological and psychological differences between men and women accounting for most women’s much lower comfort level with “no-strings-attached” sexual encounters:

The differences between women and men are vast, and in no domain is this more true than sex. Our bodies alone prove this in spades! If one body carries life and the other doesn’t, this clearly makes the sexes unequal. Newsflash: The birth control pill doesn’t change a woman’s inherent nature — it merely gives the illusion she’s just like a man.

She’s not. A woman’s need to bond with a man, to feel safe and loved and committed to, is crucial for her to feel secure enough to let down her guard sexually. That’s why she feels uneasy about one-night stands. Her body won’t cooperate.

It’s also why men, not women, are the ones who gain the most from casual sex. (To be clear: I’m not arguing that it’s “OK” or even good for men to sleep around; I’m simply pointing out why, from a physical standpoint, they aren’t angst-ridden when they do.)

Women just aren’t designed for one-night stands. What do we think all those films and television programs are about where the man and the woman have sex and he doesn’t call her the next day, so she thinks he’s a jerk? If women were “just like men,” this would never be a theme in the first place.

When it comes to uncommitted sex, women are playing a game they can’t win. Feeling “used,” or like a “booty call,” is the most common experience of women who engage in casual sex, or “hookups,” whether they’re teenagers or grown women. That just isn’t the case for most men.

Every American over the age of 40 knows this to be true, and adults in schools and at home are failing our youth by not passing this wisdom along — particularly when young people are bombarded with the lie that casual sex is empowering.

Arctic Warfare Magnum: Accuracy International L115A3

Filed under: Britain, Military, Technology, Weapons — Tags: , , — Nicholas @ 02:00

Forgotten Weapons
Published on 29 Mar 2019


Cool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forg…

In 2007, the British Army placed an order for 582 AI Arctic Warfare Super Magnum rifles chambered for the .338 Lapua Magnum cartridge, formally adopting the model as the L115A3 sniper rifle. This followed special forces use of the .338 Accuracy International rifles in Afghanistan, where the A1 (fixed stock) and A2 (folding stock) models had both been given designations. With the adoption of the L115, the British retired all of their remaining L96A1 rifles, and moved to the .338 cartridge for all of their sniping equipment. At the same time, the SSIP (Sniper System Improvement Program) was improving and updating all the ancillary gear used with the guns – scopes, bipods, ballistic calculators and training programs, spotting scopes, and more. These remain the current British sniper weapon today, and they are quite formidable kit in properly trained hands.

Thanks to Steve Houghton for providing me access to this rifle! If you are interested in learning more, I highly recommend checking out Steve’s newly released book, “The British Sniper: A Century of Evolution”. It can be found at:


Forgotten Weapons
PO Box 87647
Tucson, AZ 85754

Update: Apparently the video plays better if you actually remember to include the embed code before saving the post. Who knew?

QotD: Political scandals

Filed under: Business, Humour, Politics, Quotations, USA — Tags: , , , , — Nicholas @ 01:00

If you say “Clinton scandal,” the first thing that comes to mind for most people, at least for those of us old enough to have been around for Bill Clinton’s presidency, is Monica Lewinsky. That’s a shame: I am convinced that Hillary Rodham Clinton’s cattle-futures shenanigans were in fact a much more serious offense as a matter of public corruption. But most people don’t understand futures trading. Everybody understands diddling the interns. Nobody understands finance. Everybody understands sex.

(Except Objectivists.)

That’s why financial scandals rarely end political careers, but sex scandals often do, especially for Republicans.

Kevin D. Williamson, “Fanciful Trump ‘Scandals'”, National Review, 2017-04-16.

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