Published Aug 17, 2024When your king Richard asks you after the battle why you singlehandedly charged at the Saracen lines before he gave the order.
“But my lord, ‘Freebird’ was playing …”
One of my favorites was a hit during the Third Crusade where the English were certainly the MVPs. A very big thank you to everyone involved who helped me bring this into the world
December 17, 2024
“Freebird” by Lynyrd Skynyrd cover in Middle English BARDCORE
December 13, 2024
“We Didn’t Start the Fire” (Bardcore | Medieval/Renaissance Style Cover)
Hildegard von Blingin’
Published Jul 16, 2024There are many covers of Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire” that adapt it to different times, but we wanted to give it the bardcore treatment. *Unlike the original, the list is not chronological, and jumps around in time a lot. It very loosely spans from around 400 to 1600, and is from a rather Eurocentric point of view. Thank you to my brother, Friar Funk, for devising the lyrics and providing the majority of the vocals. Many thanks as well to his new wife and our dad for joining us in the chorus at the end.
The image of the monk is from MS Bodleian 602. A scribe at his desk © The Bodleian Libraries Oxford
There are simply too many other images to credit here, but the majority are public domain from wiki media.
May 26, 2023
“Losing my Religion” – Bardcore (Medieval Style)
Algal the Bard
Published 17 Feb 2023Song composed by R.E.M.
Instruments: Lute-guitar, zitherette, recorder and drums.
February 27, 2023
“One” (Metallica) – Medieval Cover
Algal the Bard
Published 6 Feb 2022Song composed by James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich.
Instruments: Lute-guitar, Irish Bouzouki and Flabiol
January 27, 2023
“House of the Rising Sun” – Hildegard von Blingin’ & Algal the Bard (Bardcore | Medieval Style)
Hildegard von Blingin’
Published 11 Jun 2022We’re pleased to present you with not one, but two Bardcore covers! Algal played every instrument you hear, and I provided the vocals. You’ll find the other cover, Dust in the Wind, on Algal’s channel in the link below.
December 13, 2022
“Running Up That Hill” – Bardcore
Algal the Bard
Published 14 Aug 2022Song composed by Kate Bush.
October 19, 2022
“Dust In the Wind” – With Hildegard von Blingin’
Algal the Bard
Published 11 Jun 2022Lyrics:
I close my eyes
Only for a moment, and the moment’s gone
All my dreams
Pass before my eyes, a curiosityDust in the wind
All they are is dust in the windSame old song
Just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do
Crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to seeDust in the wind
We are naught but dust in the windDon’t linger on
Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away
And all your riches won’t another minute buyDust in the wind
We are naught but dust in the wind
Dust in the wind
Everything is dust in the wind
May 2, 2021
“Stairway To Heaven” – Medieval Style
Early Style
Published 29 Aug 2020Original theme from Led Zeppelin (1971) in medieval – renaissance instruments
#StairwayToHeaven #MedievalStyle #Bardcore
From the comments:
Christopher Merlot
2 months ago
Led Zeppelin did a really good cover of this.
April 27, 2021
“I Love Rock ‘n Roll” [Bardcore]
Published 6 Jun 2020Original: Arrows/Joan Jett & the Blackhearts – “I Love Rock ‘n Roll”
From the comments:
1Ring 42
6 months agoBehold him merry by the musicians booth
I couldst see he was but a youth
The rhythm made me swoon
For they played my fav’rite tune
An I knew twould nay be long
Til he was wi’ me, aye me
An I knew twould nay be long
Til he was wi’ me, aye me, singingI crave bardic lute
Toss another coin to yon bard milady
I crave bardic lute
Come spend th’eventide and make merryHe grinn’d thus I approached to ask his name
‘It matters not’ he quipped,
“For tis all the same”
Asked “Couldst I take thee home, whither we shalt be alone?”
An lo we traveled on,
He was wi me aye me
An lo we traveled on
He was with me aye me singing
An I knew twould nay be long
Til he was wi’ me, aye me, singingI crave bardic lute
Toss another coin to yon bard milady
I crave bardic lute
Come spend th’eventide and make merryAsked “Couldst I take thee home, whither we shalt be alone?”
An lo we traveled on,
He was wi me aye me
An lo we traveled on
He was with me aye me singing
An I knew twould nay be long
Til he was wi’ me, aye me, singing(Repeat Chorus 5x)
April 3, 2021
Metallica – “Nothing Else Matters” – Medieval Style – Bardcore
Algal the Bard
Published 19 Jun 2020Song composed by James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich
Google Play:…
Instruments: Lute-guitar, Irish bouzouki, Low whistle (D), Drums.
March 6, 2021
“Jolene” (Bardcore | Medieval Style)
Hildegard von Blingin’
Published 9 Jul 2020Jolene, By Dolly Parton (Bardcore/Medieval Style)
Good morrow! I have descended from my cloister once more with another offering for the ravenous rabble.
Silliness aside, I want to thank you all again for helping to make such a wholesome part of the internet. I live for your hilarious comments and witty imaginings, and only wish I had more time to devote to this. I’m back to work, so I can’t aspire to weekly videos, but I do endeavour to continue making these.
The art is a composite/partial paint over of three different sources, including: MS Bodley 264, and Lausanne, Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire U 964 – Biblia Porta fol. 178r, and one other that I’ve had no luck tracking down.
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I beg of thee, pray take not my lord
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I fear, from thee, ‘twould take naught but a word
Thy beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green
Thy smile is like a breath of Spring
Thy voice is soft like Summer rain
And I cannot compete with thee
He talketh of thee in his sleep
And alas, I cannot keep
From weeping when I hear thy name
Although it is so plain to see
How little he doth mean to thee
My love for him is boundless as the sea
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I beg of thee, oh please take not my lord
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I fear, from you, ‘twould take naught but a word
Thou couldst have thy choice of men
But I could never love again
He is the only one for me
I would risk both life and limb
To spend my only days with him
My happiness is at thy whim,
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I beg of thee, pray take not my lord
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I fear, from thee, ‘twould take naught but a word
February 21, 2021
“House Of The Rising Sun” 1270 A.D (cover in Old French 800-1400 A.D) Bardcore
Published 9 Jul 20201270 A.D was a bad year to be in Tunisia, nobody won
Also, take me back to when the French used trilled R’sOriginal song by @The Animals:…
Apologies to all the French-speaking folk out there
This was a really hard one and I know it’s not perfect but please let me know what you think
Consider supporting the channel, I know what I do ain’t much but its honest work
Wanna follow me?…Big thanks to Ser @Graywyck now pls go check out his channel XD…As always, big thanks to @ABAlphaBeta for all the help with the translations and training,
Please go check out his channel, its a treat for historical enthusiast XD…Also while making this video, a friend of mine introduced me to a cover of the original song done by a French artist Johnny Hallyday called “Le Penitencier.” Its a damn nice cover too, (THANKS EMMAAA) Here’s the link:…
I have been procrastinating a lot after going on a break weeks ago but I’m back folks. Currently working on upgrading my hardware, I will be getting a better mic and also a camera as I want to start posting videos soon. Want nothing but the best for all you lovely folk. Thank you as always ya’ll kind folk for all the love and support. Let’s make Bardcore last a 1000 years yeah?
Also, Here be the lyrics. Courtesy of AB
Il y a une meson en Orleans
Qui se sousnomme le Soleil levant
Et ele fu la ruine de maint garsilleurs
Dont fui aussi partant …Ma mere estoit une taillieuse
Qui cousit mes braies de lin
Mon pere lui estoit un joueur et
D’Orleans un citadinE les seules choses qu’un joueur requiert
Sont une male et une botte
E le seul moment de repos pour lui
Est saül au fond d’un potO, mere, di le aus anfaz
De ne pas feire com moi
Pechiez tout au lonc de vos tristes vies
La ou le Soleil feict loyBien, j’ai un pié sur le pavement
L’autre est sur le char
Sui de retorn a Orleans
Ou l’air-mesme est une bare#TheAnimals #HouseOfTheRisingSun #Bardcore #OldFrench #Medieval
January 21, 2021
“A horse with no name” cover in Latin (BARDCORE) Original song by America
Published 20 Oct 2020“Oh no Consul White, the Parthians found us!”
Oh, Crassus you doink. You, I don’t care about but why did you have to drag Publius down with youNEVER FORGET MAY 6th 53 B.C
Original by @America – Topic:…
BIG shoutout to @Canticles Please go check out his covers NOWWW!!!…Another BIIIG shoutout to @Juan Necessarium PLEASE go and support his work too yao…Wanna follow me?……Source of the BG:…
This was a really fun one to do. As always thank you so much for all the support people. I am edging closer and closer to 100K subs
Got my special coming, it’ll be a pleasant surprise. Leave a like if ya liked it, and if you haven’t subscribed yet, please consider doing so
Take care my lovelies and until we meet again.
Consider supporting the channel, I know what I do ain’t much but its honest work
Here be the lyrics, all credits goes to Juan
In prima itineris parte
Omnia vitae intuebar.
Erant plantae, aves, saxa et res
Arena, colles et orbes.
Primum quod vidi musca bombans fuit
Et caelum sine ulla nube.
Calor magnus et tellus sicca
Sed aer soni plenus erat.Eremum transii vectus sine nomine equo
Mihi placuit pluviam nullam pati.
In eremo, tuum nomen recordaris,
Nam nemo adest quin te ullo modo vexet.Post duos dies sub eremi sole (DUos DIes)
Pellis mea iam rubebat,
Post tres dies in gaudio illius loci, (loCI)
Antiqui fluminis alveum vidi.
Et quod narrabat de flumine antea vivo
Me maximopere contristavit. (maxiMOpere CONtrisTAvit)Eremum transii vectus sine nomine equo,
Mihi placuit pluviam nullam pati.
In eremo, tuum nomen recordaris,
Nam nemo adest quin te ullo modo vexet.Post novem dies, equum liberavi,
Cum eremus mare factus sit.
Erant plantae, aves, saxa et res,
Arena, colles et orbes.
Sub mari enim vita certe floret
Sed id eremus videtur supra.
Sub urbibus cor terra factum iacet,
Sed homines amorem nullum dabunt.Eremum transii vectus sine nomine equo
Mihi placuit pluviam nullam pati.
In eremo, tuum nomen recordaris,
Nam nemo adest quin te ullo modo vexet.#America #Latin #Bardcore
October 26, 2020
“Immigrant Song” cover in Old Norse 700 A.D – 1500 A.D
Published 13 Oct 2020“Get in virgin, We’re raiding England”
Original by @Led Zeppelin:…
First off, apologies if I screwed this up because this was probably one of the hardest covers I have ever attempted (One does not simply try and emulate Robert Plant). If there were any mistakes in the pronunciations or translation too please do let me know
Thank you so much for watching guys, leave a like if ya liked it. And if you haven’t subbed yet, please consider doing so. Help me get to 100k Subs
Consider supporting the channel, I know what I do ain’t much but its honest work
Wanna follow me?…Big thanks to @Constantine for the instrumentals, PLEASE for the love of God go support his channel too…
Big thanks to Angus Bolton for the translation and training. Twas truly a pleasure.
Source of the BG:…
Lyrics, Courtesy of Angus (Its in Icelandic btw, I bet you don’t wanna be reading runes XD)
ís ok snœrs landi frá Komum
Af miðnótts boði,laugar vellar
Æsa hamarr
Vil drifum draka vár til noyer landum
Að vega hjrøða ok að hlakka ok söngr
Valhøl ver komumFram sveipum með bitinn øra
vestr strandi einn sœkjumís ok snœrs landi frá Komum
Af miðnótts boði, laugar vellar
Hvo mýkr síns grænar bjoðar
blóðs sögur susa megar
Af hvé dolgsstormi þegdum
síns bardgisherrar ver erumFram sveipum með bitinn öra
vestr strandi einn sœkjumSvo nu fallaðyrka létta ok simða síns betra
Þvi at and-fang mega daginn vinna þar allr#LedZeppelin #Norse #Bardcore #Skaldcore