
February 21, 2014

This week in Guild Wars 2

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 11:33

My weekly Guild Wars 2 community round-up at GuildMag is now online. The Escape from Lion’s Arch content update was released this week, and it’s a doozy. Lion’s Arch is … was … the central city in Guild Wars 2, but now after a devastating attack destroyed much of the city, players are tasked with extracting survivors from the ruins. In addition, there’s the usual assortment of blog posts, videos, podcasts, and fan fiction from around the GW2 community.

GuildMag logo

Online bounty hunting

Filed under: Business, Gaming, Law, Technology — Tags: , , — Nicholas @ 09:10

BBC News on a bounty being offered to track down and prosecute those involved in the DDoS attack on the game Wurm:

A bounty of 10,000 euros (£8,200) is being offered to catch the people who took the online multiplayer game Wurm offline.

The game’s servers were victim of a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack this week and the game remains offline.

A DDoS attack forces a website offline by overloading the site’s servers with more data than it can process.

The bounty is being offered for any “tips leading to a conviction”.

Wurm is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that is played on personal computers.

The game takes place in virtual realms and everything in it is created by the players who are taking part. They can compete against each other or combine forces to defend a realm.

The attack happened just after an update to the game.

Writing on Wurm‘s website, one of its creators said it would be back online as soon as possible.

“We were the target of a DDoS attack and our hosting provider had to pull us off the grid for now.

“We will be back as soon as possible, but things are out of our hands since their other customers are affected.

“We can offer 10,000 euros for any tips or evidence leading to a conviction of the person responsible for this attack,” he wrote.

H/T to Hunter for the link.

February 14, 2014

This week in Guild Wars 2

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 12:53

My weekly Guild Wars 2 community round-up at GuildMag is now online. The Edge of the Mists update from last week is still getting lots of attention and we’ll be facing an attack on Lion’s Arch with next week’s update “Escape from Lion’s Arch”. In addition, there’s the usual assortment of blog posts, videos, podcasts, and fan fiction from around the GW2 community.

GuildMag logo

February 8, 2014

GuildMag Issue 10: Frozen Tales

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 12:59

Click the GuildMag logo to start reading this issue

Click the GuildMag logo to start reading this issue

The latest issue of GuildMag has just been published. Go to read the ultimate guide to the Shiverpeaks (couldn’t we have featured somewhere warm this time, Ollannach? I feel like I’m already living in the Shiverpeaks!)

February 7, 2014

This week in Guild Wars 2

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 10:10

My weekly Guild Wars 2 community round-up at GuildMag is now online. ArenaNet released the Edge of the Mists update this week and we still have the Origins of Madness update active, with the two new world bosses (the Great Jungle Wurm is permanent, while the Marionette is tied to the living story and will eventually go away). In addition, there’s the usual assortment of blog posts, videos, podcasts, and fan fiction from around the GW2 community.

GuildMag logo

January 31, 2014

This week in Guild Wars 2

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 11:18

My weekly Guild Wars 2 community round-up at GuildMag is now online. We’re still working on the Origins of Madness content update, with with the two new world bosses (the Great Jungle Wurm is permanent, while the Marionette is tied to the living story and will eventually go away). In addition, there’s the usual assortment of blog posts, videos, podcasts, and fan fiction from around the GW2 community.

January 24, 2014

This week in Guild Wars 2

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 11:43

My weekly Guild Wars 2 community round-up at GuildMag is now online. We’re back online at a new hosting service, so this is just the usual link to the full round-up there. This week saw the release of the Origins of Madness content update, with two new world bosses (one is permanent, the other is tied to the living story and will eventually go away). It is one of the four final episodes in the Scarlett Briar story arc. In addition, there’s the usual assortment of blog posts, videos, podcasts, and fan fiction from around the GW2 community.

January 19, 2014

Guild Wars 2 Community Event Calendar

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 12:00

I’m hoping that this will be the last time I need to temporarily host any GuildMag content as we should have the site up and running at the new host very soon.

This post is intended to help you to publicize your guild or alliance event, and as long as your event is open to the whole Guild Wars/Guild Wars 2 community, we’ll list it here. Send us the details at community@guildmag.com and we’ll get it out to the fan community (given that we only do a weekly wrap-up, try to send the information at least a week in advance).

  • On the official Guild Wars 2 forums, Foghladha.2506 posted on the topic Great Tyrian Adventure: Legendary Edition: “The Gaiscioch Family, host of Sanctum of Rall’s fan favorite Great Tyrian Adventure, announced plans for it’s third season of the public community event. This 12 week season is dubbed “Legendary Edition” and will feature over 100 prize giveaways including the legendary Bifrost to one of its lucky participants. The season is set to launch on Saturday, January 11th, 2014 at 11:00 AM Server Time (Pacific).”
  • On the official Guild Wars 2 forums, KitOnlyHuman.6807 posted on the topic Rookie Camp [Bi-Weekly Event]: “Rookie Camp is a lore focused event designed to be fun, educational, and an immerse experience to remember. Originally a concept for new players wanting to learn the game, and for those wanting to meet new friends, Rookie Camp will be conducted twice a month with the premise of becoming a soldier, following the character Commander Bloodclaw, and fighting the woes of Tyria in an ongoing battle! Low and high levels, new and old players, roleplaying or not, this event is open for everyone! Hosted by MadCast Gaming on Sanctum of Rall. For more information, feel free to message KitOnlyHuman.6807 and/or Cakeisalie.1976 in game! January 18, 2014 – 8:00p EST”
  • vVv Gaming — Kings of The Mists 2. “I am proud to present you with the second Guild Wars 2 PvP tournament hosted by [vVv] Vision. Valor. Victory. Guild from Fort Aspenwood, Kings of the Mists 2. This is an open invite tournament for all the teams in Guild Wars 2, to come have fun and support Guild Wars 2 PvP scene. Tournament will be commented by none other than John ‘Blu’ Mullen and Will ‘Sireph’ Abreu on the official vVv Gaming Twitch Channel. This will be a one day tournament starting on Saturday February 1st at 12:00 pm EST (09:00 am PST). Team captains will be required to sign in their team between 11:20 pm EST (08:30 am PST) and 11:50 pm EST (08:50 am PST). Failure to sign-in their team on time may result in losing their reserved spot in the tournament.”
  • Reddit — [Events] Weekly Map Exploration. Wednesday 9pm EST (NA) – Sorrow’s Furnace. “For a couple of weeks now, /u/jereklo and I have been adding lore/story of the area we’re exploring, while doing these exploration events. People seem to enjoy it, so if it’s something that interest you, and you already have completion, you’re welcome to join us too. I’ve been hosting Map completion every Wednesday at 9PM EST on Sorrow’s Furnace (NA). Here’s our schedule”

January 17, 2014

This week in Guild Wars 2

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 15:48

Hopefully this will be the last time we’ll need to post TWIGW2 here, as GuildMag is moving to a new hosting service. Once the site is back up and running at the new host, I’ll re-publish this article and last week’s posts so they will at least appear in the right sequence.


January 12, 2014

Guild Wars 2 Community Event Calendar

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 12:00

We’re still having issues with the ISP for GuildMag, so I couldn’t post this week’s community event calendar there. Hopefully we’ll have the hosting situation cleared up soon.


January 10, 2014

This week in Guild Wars 2

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 12:37

A bit of a throwback to an earlier time, as I’m posting the whole column here instead of at the GuildMag site — technical issues with the hosting service have made GuildMag temporarily inaccessible. Fortunately, I’d saved a local copy of the weekly round-up just before the site went down, so I’m not starting from a completely blank slate (but I probably missed some links in the change-over). I’ll repost the whole thing at GuildMag once the technical issues have been addressed.


Grognards Anonymous

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 09:59

Dan Hodges makes his wargaming confession:

I remember the morning I became a Grognard like it was yesterday. In reality it must have been back in 1978 or 1979. I’d always liked games with a war theme, my favourite being Escape From Colditz. Oh, the cold terror of drawing the Shoot To Kill card. But that was with little wooden counters that looked like bowling pins. It was fun, but you couldn’t really empathise with a bowling pin, even if he was supposed to be a downed Polish Spitfire pilot.

And then one birthday I opened a package that looked like a large book. But it was actually a game box, and it had the words “Squad Leader” on the side. So I opened it gingerly, and that’s when I first set eyes on Sergeant Hamblen.

Sergeant Hamblen came in the shape of a blue grey counter, about the size of your thumbnail. He was a German soldier. You could tell it straight away. He was in silhouette, but you could clearly make out his helmet and his boots and his backpack, and his machine gun. Sergeant Hamblen was no bowling pin, he was a warrior.

And next to him was all sorts of cool stuff. His squad. His long-range machine gun. His demolition charge. A tank! Sergeant Hamblen came with a tank! And then there were the boards. Six or seven hard mounted boards of buildings and forests and hedges and rivers and walls and trees, all in beautiful detail. This was where Sergeant Hamblen lived and fought. And now I was going to live and fight there as well.

So that was it, I was hooked. Me and Sergeant Hamblen spent the summer roaming all over the Eastern Front. He survived the Guards Counterattack. Stymied the Russian assault on Hill 621. OK, he was fighting for the wrong side. But he was a good German. I knew this, because the game was so detailed that the nasty Germans — the Nazis — came on special evil-looking black counters.

Although I played and enjoyed the original Squad Leader game (along with its expansion sets), eventually I fell behind and when Advanced Squad Leader came along, I didn’t buy it. I’d reached my limit on remembering and applying all the rules: Avalon Hill, the publisher, had chosen to write the rule books in “programmed learning” style, where you got the basic rules, then each scenario after that built on the rules you’d learned to add more complexity … and to supersede earlier simple rules with more complex ones. My interest was tailing off after the second expansion set (Crescendo of Doom) came along and the last expansion (GI: Anvil of Victory) finished me off. The Squad Leader system wasn’t a game — it was a lifestyle, and I didn’t have enough time to devote to it to keep all the modified rules in my head.

But although I didn’t know it at the time, my cardboard forces were fighting a losing battle. Time was against them. I was growing older. Computer games, music, football, videos, girls. In roughly that order they came to hold more of an attraction than Sergeant Hamblen and his comrades. So the battle-weary Sergeant sat on a shelf, slowly gathering dust. Not dying, just fading away, as old soldiers do.

I sold off a lot of my wargames after I got married … including some that might be worth a lot of money nowadays. I still have far too many sitting on the shelf in my office, gathering dust. I don’t want to get rid of them, but I also don’t have the time and patience to set them up any more.

January 3, 2014

This week in Guild Wars 2

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 13:04

My weekly Guild Wars 2 community round-up at GuildMag is now online. This week’s (unusually short) roundup has more coverage of the “A Very Merry Wintersday” event which will continue until mid-January. In addition, there’s the usual assortment of blog posts, videos, podcasts, and fan fiction from around the GW2 community.

December 27, 2013

This week in Guild Wars 2

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 11:50

My weekly Guild Wars 2 community round-up at GuildMag is now online. This week’s (unusually short) roundup has more coverage of the “A Very Merry Wintersday” event which will continue until mid-January. In addition, there’s the usual assortment of blog posts, videos, podcasts, and fan fiction from around the GW2 community.

December 20, 2013

This week in Guild Wars 2

Filed under: Gaming — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 13:04

My weekly Guild Wars 2 community round-up at GuildMag is now online. This week’s roundup has more coverage of the “A Very Merry Wintersday” event which will be active until mid-January. In addition, there’s the usual assortment of blog posts, videos, podcasts, and fan fiction from around the GW2 community.

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