
July 24, 2024

Chieftain V T-62 | Operation Nasr, Iran – Iraq War, 1981

Filed under: Britain, History, Middle East, Military, Russia, Weapons — Tags: , , , , , , — Nicholas @ 02:00

The Tank Museum
Published Apr 13, 2024

Two tanks designed to fight each other in Northern Europe would face each other during the Iran-Iraq war in 1981. On one side, the British built Chieftain MBT. On the other, the Soviet-built T-62.

In this video, we examine what happened during Operation Nasr to find out which tank came out on top …

00:00 | Intro
01:19 | Meet the Tanks
02:15 | The T-62
03:26 | The Chieftain
06:21 | From Paper to the Battlefield
09:25 | The Outcome and Findings

Thank you to World of Tanks for sponsoring this video – and for providing representative in-game animations to help us tell this story.

This video features archive footage courtesy of British Pathé.

#tankmuseum #tankvtank #chieftain #t62 #famthetankman

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