Stephen F. Gordon is waging a lonely campaign to persuade Canadians that free trade is better than the managed, mercantilist “free trade” most of our governments have wanted since the NAFTA negotiations:
Not enough people understand the benefits from the unilateral opeining of borders. (1/2)
— Stephen Gordon (@stephenfgordon) September 29, 2012
The benefits we get from foreign investment are not conditional on how the other govt treats foreign investment.
— Stephen Gordon (@stephenfgordon) September 29, 2012
The gains from the Nexen takeover have *nothing* to do with how China treats foreign investment.
— Stephen Gordon (@stephenfgordon) September 29, 2012
Martin Wolf once called GATT a mutual disarmament treaty for mercantilists. That mindset is still too dominant.
— Stephen Gordon (@stephenfgordon) September 29, 2012
Too many people think that Canadian investors are our hostages and that we should demand some form of compensation for releasing them.
— Stephen Gordon (@stephenfgordon) September 29, 2012