Jim Shea looks at the design innovations needed to serve the new growing market for appropriate vehicles for aging baby boomers:
What is missing is a vehicle specifically designed to accommodate baby boomers and their ever evolving driving needs.
The car I have in mind for this huge block, the Coupe de Coot, would include the following characteristics:
Size: The older people get, the larger the vehicles they prefer. If Buick made buses, you wouldn’t be able to get a parking spot at the senior center. The Coupe de Coot would make a Hummer look like a Mini Cooper.
Windows: They would be large and wrap-a-around to afford excellent visibility in all directions at all times. Also, the glass would automatically tint after dark to produce a night-vision goggles effect.
Turn signals: The interior indicator lights would be the size of frying pans, flash like emergency strobes when engaged, be accompanied by a Big Ben-level bonging sound, and automatically turn themselves off after an hour.
H/T to Kennedy How for the link.