
August 22, 2024

Abandoned Manitoba 2: Port Nelson, Manitoba’s Forgotten Seaport on Hudson Bay

Filed under: Cancon, History, Railways — Tags: , , , — Nicholas @ 02:00

Manitoba Historical Society
Published May 6, 2024

The Abandoned Manitoba 2 video series by Graham Street, Shaun Cameron, and Gordon Goldsborough visits ghost towns, vacant buildings, and other historic sites from Manitoba’s past. Join us as we explore back roads to places that tell great stories about how things used to be, and how we have ended up where we are today.

In this video, we tour an abandoned seaport at the mouth of the Nelson River on Hudson Bay. Construction started in 1912 and stopped before the work was completed. It never resumed. Instead, all attention moved to Churchill where, in 1929, a deep water seaport opened. We explore the crumbling remains at Port Nelson, including an artificial island a half mile offshore, a rotting 17-span railway bridge, and a broken dredge.

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