
July 10, 2024

QotD: Persuasion

Filed under: Economics, History, Quotations — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 01:00

But I really do not expect people to agree with me. People haven’t agreed with me as a soft Marxist, as a social engineering transport economist, as a quantitative economic historian, as a Chicago School economist, as a neoinstitutionalist, as a libertarian, as a global monetarist, as a free market feminist. No wonder they don’t agree with me as a rhetorician of science.

Of course, like most people, I do assume that those people are wrong and I am right. (And in sober truth — can I confide in you as a friend? — I am right.)

Deirdre McCloskey, “The Rhetoric of Economics”, 1998.

Hat tip to Grant “I can take a hint” McCracken.

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