Published 9 Jul 20201270 A.D was a bad year to be in Tunisia, nobody won
Also, take me back to when the French used trilled R’sOriginal song by @The Animals:…
Apologies to all the French-speaking folk out there
This was a really hard one and I know it’s not perfect but please let me know what you think
Consider supporting the channel, I know what I do ain’t much but its honest work
Wanna follow me?…Big thanks to Ser @Graywyck now pls go check out his channel XD…As always, big thanks to @ABAlphaBeta for all the help with the translations and training,
Please go check out his channel, its a treat for historical enthusiast XD…Also while making this video, a friend of mine introduced me to a cover of the original song done by a French artist Johnny Hallyday called “Le Penitencier.” Its a damn nice cover too, (THANKS EMMAAA) Here’s the link:…
I have been procrastinating a lot after going on a break weeks ago but I’m back folks. Currently working on upgrading my hardware, I will be getting a better mic and also a camera as I want to start posting videos soon. Want nothing but the best for all you lovely folk. Thank you as always ya’ll kind folk for all the love and support. Let’s make Bardcore last a 1000 years yeah?
Also, Here be the lyrics. Courtesy of AB
Il y a une meson en Orleans
Qui se sousnomme le Soleil levant
Et ele fu la ruine de maint garsilleurs
Dont fui aussi partant …Ma mere estoit une taillieuse
Qui cousit mes braies de lin
Mon pere lui estoit un joueur et
D’Orleans un citadinE les seules choses qu’un joueur requiert
Sont une male et une botte
E le seul moment de repos pour lui
Est saül au fond d’un potO, mere, di le aus anfaz
De ne pas feire com moi
Pechiez tout au lonc de vos tristes vies
La ou le Soleil feict loyBien, j’ai un pié sur le pavement
L’autre est sur le char
Sui de retorn a Orleans
Ou l’air-mesme est une bare#TheAnimals #HouseOfTheRisingSun #Bardcore #OldFrench #Medieval
February 21, 2021
“House Of The Rising Sun” 1270 A.D (cover in Old French 800-1400 A.D) Bardcore
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As a few folks have pointed out, the original is not the immensely popular version by The Animals, but is a traditional American folk song, first documented in the 1930s, but likely at least a few decades old at that point. Here’s the Wikipedia entry – “As a traditional folk song recorded by an electric rock band, it has been described as the ‘first folk rock hit'”
Comment by Nicholas — February 21, 2021 @ 10:22