
May 10, 2020

Quotulatiousness at sixteen

Filed under: Administrivia, Personal — Tags: — Nicholas @ 03:00

Blogging may be a stagnant backwater of the internet these days, but some of us have been polluting the pool with our blog posts for a long time … sixteen years in my particular case. I used to publish annual traffic figures, but the statistics plug-in I had been using since 2009 blew up spectacularly and I no longer have anything like a continuous series to point to. Over the last few years, I was regularly clocking in between one and two million “hits” in a year, but a significant portion of those were bots rather than actual human beings. As the years have gone by, I’ve actually written less and less for the blog, as the effort involved didn’t seem to generate much interest or reaction (the regular visitors to my comment section are a very small, select, elite crew … thanks, guys!)

Earlier anniversary postings:

Unfortunately, the first five years of postings — when I was merely a freeloading tenant on Jon P’s site … and eventually consuming some 90+% of his paid bandwidth and storage — don’t seem to be accessible any more, at least I haven’t been able to get access for quite some time:


  1. Congrats on longevity, if nothing else 🙂

    I stop by daily to see what you have found to share. My interest lies in history, and military subjects, so I have always found your tidbits interesting. Perhaps I find your content a little bit of an “echo chamber” as well, but I guess like minds do tend to coalesce and it is easier to absorb content that you agree with.

    Comment by Dwayne — May 10, 2020 @ 14:18

  2. “Echo chamber”? Darn, I’ll have to invest in more cladding for the walls to cut down those echoes for you! 😉

    Comment by Nicholas — May 11, 2020 @ 09:47

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