
April 20, 2018

Memes for morons

Filed under: Health, Media — Tags: , , , — Nicholas @ 03:00

On Facebook, SF author Larry Correia responds to a currently popular meme (NSFW language, so it’s below the fold):

There is a cartoon going around from “March Against Monsanto” about how doctors could cure cancer but don’t because they make more money treating it than curing it.

So I went off.


This is fucking stupid.

No really. It is truly fucking stupid. It is brain dead idiocy, only believed by chumps.

It’s incredibly insulting. What, do doctors, researchers, and all these greedy corporate execs not get cancer themselves? Do they not have loved ones die of cancer?

It is insulting to anybody who knows how research works, it’s insulting to anybody who knows how big business works.

You’d have to have a childlike simpleton’s grasp of reality to believe this horseshit.

If you found a cure for cancer you would make billions. Not to mention the epic marketing boost and goodwill your company would get (from everybody other than brain dead conspiracy theorists)

But there isn’t actually such a thing as “a cure for cancer” because there are hundreds of kinds of cancer. So whoever makes up this nonsense about a magic bullet is also a fucking idiot when it comes to basic biology.

But let’s say a corporation did find a cure for one type of cancer but they covered it up because they make more money off of treating symptoms, yet NONE of the hundreds of people involved with the process leaked this, and NONE of the dozens of rival companies around the world stole the idea in order to make billions of dollars themselves?

Anybody who lacks the critical thinking skills to not poke holes in this should be ashamed of themselves.

March Against Monsanto can kiss my ass.

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