
February 27, 2018

QotD: Anthems

Filed under: Cancon, Humour, Quotations — Tags: — Nicholas @ 01:00

If you were an alien visiting Earth you would quickly conclude from the evidence of your eyes and ears that national anthems probably originate in sport, and were designed to serve it. But even this mistaken conclusion would further befuddle you. If an anthem is intended to stir the blood and awaken athletes to duty in international contests, why are anthems also performed at games between teams belonging to the same country? Is it some sort of test?

Looking at the content and histories of the anthems themselves would not help you much. Some of them are military marches. Some of them are revolutionary street songs that came, over time or through immediate fiat, to represent an entire state. Some are “hymns.” Some are poetry — mostly bad poetry, and mostly by lyricists not otherwise remembered. Some are, like ours, a sort of mashup: poetry grafted onto a march. (The prescribed tempo for O Canada is “alla marcia”, and it is best when performed by the book.)

Every country has to have an anthem, it seems, for circular reasons. An anthem is a feature of a country, and it proves you are a country if other countries blare your anthem in the direction of your supreme leader on state visits. All anthems are performed upon roughly the same occasions everywhere. But if you could take a God’s eye view you, would see one nation warning its neighbours that they will drown in blood if they look across the border cross-eyed. The next nation over is singing about how it is a beacon of peace — particularly to its immediate neighbours, the unreasoning scum. The next nation is asking for God’s blessing on its handsome, wise royal family. The one after that is celebrating the violent overthrow of its handsome, wise royal family.

Colby Cosh, “Let’s talk about anthems”, National Post, 2016-07-14.

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