This isn’t hard. The US used to reward military service with political patronage and with social services that are now deemed human rights.
— Colby Cosh (@colbycosh) August 30, 2016
The more military service is regarded, is rewarded, & functions like an ordinary job, the more bogus social deference veterans must be shown
— Colby Cosh (@colbycosh) August 30, 2016
The unctuous (and, by vets, widely loathed) “Thank you for your service” is a way of saying “Sorry the VA is basically inferior Obamacare”.
— Colby Cosh (@colbycosh) August 30, 2016
That’s why Americans are sensitive about the military. When you see sensitivity, look for the bad conscience. Universal rule.
— Colby Cosh (@colbycosh) August 30, 2016