
June 25, 2013

Maybe crime doesn’t pay after all…

Filed under: Cancon, Law — Tags: , , , — Nicholas @ 08:39

680News reported on a Toronto Police drug investigation that ended up with 35 arrests on various charges. That sounds impressive until you get down to the summary of what contraband was confiscated in “Project Wanted”:

Thirteen grams of crack cocaine were seized, seven grams of marijuana, three grams of heroin, 34 grams of ecstasy. The total street value of the drugs was valued at $5,000. The police also seized $1,710.00.

Unless they managed to flush a huge amount of drugs before being arrested, you’d have to say that these people wouldn’t be listed as “drug kingpins”. And these are not amateurs, either:

Police also allege that the total number of convictions of those arrested is 723. The average number of convictions on each person’s criminal record is 20.

Twenty-seven of those arrested were on bail at the time the crimes were alleged to have happened. Nine were on probation.

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