
August 13, 2010

Weekend reading material

Filed under: Books, History, Media — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 13:47

When I got back from lunch today, the UPS truck had delivered my weekend reading material:

Update: The first fifty pages have been excellent. It’s interesting how many characters in his fiction are recognizably people from his early life in Missouri.


  1. God is in the details.


    Comment by Flea — August 15, 2010 @ 23:17

  2. I caught the error about Edward VIII, but she didn’t mention the error about George VI (Patterson references him as “George VII”) on the same page. I missed the Churchill error, but I found Patterson’s throw-away line that Hitler destroyed any chance of a German victory after the bomb plot by killing Rommel to indicate he’d done almost no research on the war in Europe.

    Rommel was a brilliant-but-unorthodox tactician, who was probably one of the best German commanders at the corps level, but he didn’t have the same flair for higher formation command. No corps commander was going to be able to make much difference to Germany’s fate after Kursk and Overlord, regardless of personal brilliance.

    Comment by Nicholas — August 16, 2010 @ 10:16

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