
October 15, 2009

Tweet of the day: Bob Dylan’s Christmas album

Filed under: Humour, Media — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 18:17

John Scalzi: Listening to the Bob Dylan Christmas Album, because, honestly, WTF. I think these days Bob’s just screwing with folks for fun.

John Scalzi: To answer the question: The Bob Dylan Christmas album is, in fact, terrifying. As in “stop it, you’re scaring the reindeer.”

1 Comment

  1. […] Tweet of the day: Bob Dylan’s Christmas album Quotulatiousness – PeopleRank: 9 – October 16, 2009 John Scalzi: Listening to the Bob Dylan Christmas Album, because, honestly, WTF. I think these days Bob’s just screwing with folks for fun. John Scalzi: To answer the question: The Bob Dylan Christmas album is, in fact, terrifying. As in “stop it,… + vote […]

    Pingback by Bob-Dylan Christmas — October 16, 2009 @ 20:06

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