
August 16, 2011

Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives living down to expectations

Filed under: Cancon, Politics — Tags: , , , , — Nicholas @ 12:02

As I’ve said before, Tim Hudak is doing everything he possibly can to keep Dalton McGuinty’s chances of re-election alive. The polls now show just how well that’s working out:

Liberal Leader Dalton McGuinty and his Progressive Conservative rival Tim Hudak are locked in a statistical tie as Ontario gears up to elect a new premier, a new poll suggests.

Both Hudak and McGuinty have the support of about 30 per cent of voters, less than two months before the October election, according to the Nanos Research poll.

The poll, conducted for CTV, the Globe and Mail and CP24, asked 1,000 Ontarians of voting age who “would make the best premier of Ontario?”

McGuinty had 30.3 per cent support while Hudak had 28.7 per cent of support. Since the difference is within the margin of error for the poll, the two leaders are locked in a close race.

Meanwhile, NDP Leader Andrea Horwath trails the frontrunners with 12.2 per cent support, and 14.6 per cent of voters are undecided.

Additionally, 11 per cent of voters say none of the provincial leaders would make the best premier.

July 14, 2011

Never underestimate the Tory ability to pry defeat from the jaws of victory

Filed under: Cancon, Media, Politics — Tags: , , , — Nicholas @ 17:08

The headline says “Ontario Tories have 11-point lead over Liberals: poll“, but this is the good old Forward-Backward Party we’re talking about here — if anyone in Canada can pull a defeat out of this, it’s the Progressive Conservatives:

The Progressive Conservative party has blown open the race to form Ontario’s next government, according to a new Ipsos Reid poll which shows the opposition Tories with a commanding, 11-point lead over Premier Dalton McGuinty’s Liberals.

That lead has grown by five percentage points in the last month alone. Tory popularity now stands at 42%, with the Liberals at 31%, according to the survey. The NDP is in third place, at 22% support.

“It’s (PC leader Tim) Hudak’s to lose,” said pollster John Wright, senior vice president of Ipsos.

Mr. Wright says the Liberals, who are besieged on both their left and right flanks, will have a difficult time clawing their way back to level in the polls ahead of the Oct. 6 election.

Between Mr. McGuinty’s teflon coating finally starting to wear out, and the Liberal party’s devout belief that the name “Mike Harris” is the “Avada Kedavra” of Ontario politics, it may still turn out to be a bad October for the current government.

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