
April 3, 2012

A “routine” traffic stop in Collinsville, Illinois

Filed under: Law, Liberty, USA — Tags: , , , — Nicholas @ 08:17

Radley Balko tells the full story of a traffic stop in Illinois that demonstrates how eager some police departments are to use “asset forfeiture” to get their hands on the property of innocent people:

Last December, filmmaker Terrance Huff and his friend Jon Seaton were returning to Ohio after attending a “Star Trek” convention in St. Louis. As they passed through a small town in Illinois, a police officer, Michael Reichert, pulled Huff’s red PT Cruiser over to the side of the road, allegedly for an unsafe lane change. Over the next hour, Reichert interrogated the two men, employing a variety of police tactics civil rights attorneys say were aimed at tricking them into giving up their Fourth Amendment rights. Reichert conducted a sweep of Huff’s car with a K-9 dog, then searched Huff’s car by hand. Ultimately, he sent Huff and Seaton on their way with a warning.

Earlier this month, Huff posted to YouTube audio and video footage of the stop taken from Reichert’s dashboard camera. No shots were fired in the incident. No one was beaten, arrested or even handcuffed. Reichert found no measurable amount of contraband in Huff’s car. But Huff’s 17-and-a-half minute video raises important questions about law enforcement and the criminal justice system, including the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, the drug war, profiling and why it’s so difficult to take problematic cops out of the police force.

[. . .]

“When we saw the Huff video in our office, we just laughed,” Rekowski says. “Not because it wasn’t outrageous. But because it’s the kind of thing we see all the time. The stop for a so-called ‘inappropriate lane change,’ the games they play in the questioning, the claims about nervousness or inappropriate behavior that can’t really be contradicted. It’s all routine.”

According to Koester, the defense attorney in private practice, “The dog alert that happens off-camera isn’t unusual either. You see that all the time.”

Koester and Rekowski say the Huff stop has all the markings of a forfeiture fishing expedition. “You see where he asks if [Huff] is carrying large amounts of U.S. currency,” Rekowski says. “It’s pretty clear what they’re after. These kinds of cases put my kids through college.” He laughs, then adds, “I’m only half joking.”

H/T again to Jon, my former virtual landlord.

March 19, 2012

Illinois railfan photographer threatened with being added to terror watch list

Filed under: Law, Liberty, Railways, USA — Tags: , , , — Nicholas @ 11:17

Photography within 550 feet of a railway line is illegal in Illinois, according to a police deputy who likes to make up his own laws:

A man who was taking pictures near a train track in Illinois was confronted by a sheriff’s deputy who informed him that he was breaking the law, so therefore he had no choice but to report the photographer to Homeland Security.

The photographer, who describes himself as a disabled war veteran and former state worker, was left wondering if the deputy had any legal basis for adding him to a terrorist watch list.

[. . .]

RustyBug, who never states which sheriff’s department harassed him, said the deputy told him it was against the law to shoot within 550 feet from train tracks, which is complete hogwash.

RustyBug said he really wasn’t buying it, but he wasn’t sure either, which shows us the importance of knowing the law when it comes to photography because too many cops don’t know the law.

January 19, 2011

Pack of feral states now circling fallen Illinois

Filed under: Economics, Politics, USA — Tags: , , — Nicholas @ 07:48

The plight of Illinois just seems to get worse and worse:

As Illinois tax rates shoot up, nearby states are fluffing their feathers in an attempt to catch the eye of businesses looking to leave the Land of Lincoln.

Governor Pat Quinn (D) and the slim Democratic majority that passed the rate hike claim it was necessary to keep the state afloat: Considering Illinois’ comptroller already spends much of his time apologizing to creditors for missing payments, it’s more likely that businesses will start fleeing the flattened wreckage. Illinois now boasts the highest corporate income tax in the world when all charges are taken into account, and is heading into 2011 with a 40 percent budget shortfall. The tax hike drops the state 13 places in the Tax Foundation’s State Business Climate rankings.

[. . .]

Other state governors took their shots at Illinois’ duncery: Daniels compared the state to The Simpsons, saying “Oh you guys are nothing if not entertaining over there.…you know the dysfunctional family down the block?” Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) repeated his promise to lower his state’s tax rates and hinted business should heed the old tourism bumper sticker motto: “Escape to Wisconsin.” New Jersey’s Chris Christie (R) was making plans for an Illinois salesmanship trip before the legislation was even signed.

I remember hearing about the massive tax increase in Illinois, with reports about 50-60% hikes, and I thought it was pretty bad. However, even after this massive increase the Illinois state tax level would still be a rounding error compared to Ontario provincial taxes.

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