
September 6, 2024

QotD: “Discount” airlines

Filed under: Business, Economics, Quotations — Tags: — Nicholas @ 01:00

Some thoughts on discount airlines. The ticket price sounds good, yes, but the discount is eaten away by overweight baggage charges and the price of rail/coach tickets each way to and from your destination city and hinterland airport. Big savings for the inconvenience and expense are retained by the airline are while each souvenir of your visit jacks up your fare to exactly where it would be had you flown with a proper carrier. At least, such is the guesstimate of the travelling book collector. If stamps and other light-weight antiquities are your game you may not face the same problem.

Ghost of a Flea, Sic transit gloria mundi“, Ghost of a Flea, 2005-05-23.

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