
May 4, 2019

The Paul Sellers Plywood Workbench | Episode 6

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Paul Sellers
Published on 3 May 2019

Paul is now on the last few steps of completing the construction of the bench itself. He starts this episode by cutting and fitting the wellboard. Paul continues to cut two pieces of wood on the bandsaw, which are then glued in place on top of the wellboard. Once this is all finished, Paul moves on to retracting the screws from both apron pieces and replacing them with bolts. He then moves on to the finishing stages of planning the benchtop and making all things smooth. Paul then ends this episode by applying two coats of water-based finish.

Episode 7 will be released on YouTube on the 17th of May but you can watch it right now at https://woodworkingmasterclasses.com/…

Want to learn more about woodworking? See https://woodworkingmasterclasses.com or https://commonwoodworking.com for step-by-step videos, guides and tutorials. You can also follow Paul’s latest ventures on his woodworking blog at https://paulsellers.com/

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