The Great War
Published on 4 Jan 20181918 starts with machinations in the British High Command since Prime Minister Lloyd George is holding back troops and generally would like to replace Sir Douglas Haig as commander.
January 5, 2018
Machinations In The British High Command I THE GREAT WAR Week 180
Screws: What You Need to Know
Essential Craftsman
Published on 27 Jun 2017Screws are one of the greatest fasteners available. There is a screw for almost every application. I cover some of the basics necessary for understanding the advantages of the modern screw.
I can’t find my parachute bag on amazon. The one there appears to be a cheap knock/off of sorts……would love it if some one could find out if the real ones are still available somewhere. I’ll try and get some pictures up!
QotD: Revolutions and revolutionaries
People on the side of The People always ended up disappointed in any case. They found that The People tended not to be grateful or appreciative or forward-thinking or obedient. The People tended to be small-minded and conservative and not very clever and were even distrustful of cleverness. And so the children of the revolution were faced with the age-old problem: it wasn’t that you had the wrong kind of government, which was obvious, but that you had the wrong kind of people.
As soon as you saw people as things to be measured, they didn’t measure up. What would run through the streets soon enough wouldn’t be a revolution or a riot. It’d be people who were frightened and panicking. It was what happened when the machinery of city life faltered, the wheels stopped turning, and all the little rules broke down. And when that happened, humans were worse than sheep. Sheep just ran; they didn’t try to bite the sheep next to them.
Terry Pratchett, Night Watch, 2002.