From “Purp” at Ace of Spades H.Q.:
In other news, the EU plans to fine Microsoft $700M dollars because European users are apparently too stupid to figure out they can download other browsers for free. Porn and bootleg software? Mad skilz baby, mad skilz. Browsers? Not so much…huh? what? where am I? what is this thing, why does it beep? Help, I’ve fallen down and can’t get up.
The fine works out to around $50 for each machine in violation that was shipped by OEM’s. The EU says they’re cutting Microsoft a bargain cuz they could have been fined $7B, or $500/machine. Either way, its a pretty harsh shakedown caused by Euro-users (apparently) being lemming like incompetent imbeciles who are unaware other stuff exists. Its truly a wonder they manage to find the power switch…or maybe the EU sends out specially trained techs to turn on computers for people?
Not being an Apple kinda person, doesn’t their OS ship with Safari built in? Violation as well?
Comment by Dwayne — March 11, 2013 @ 09:22
That’s a good question. I’m not a Mac person, so I’m not sure what the effective differences are between the Apple model and the Microsoft model and why the EU is cracking down on one and not the other.
I can’t imagine being limited to only one browser on any platform: I have four installed on my Windows machines (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and IE) and two on my iPhone (Opera and Safari). In both cases, the least-used browser option is the one that comes pre-installed.
Comment by Nicholas — March 11, 2013 @ 10:27