
April 15, 2012

Implying a link between Walmart stores and hate groups

Filed under: Business, Politics, USA — Tags: , , — Nicholas @ 11:53

This is custom-made for drawing lazy conclusions:

Study Says The More Walmarts In The Area, The More Hate Groups There Are

This one’s sure to boil some blood over at Walmart headquarters: A new study says there’s a significant correlation between the amount of Walmart stores in an area and the number of hate groups existing in that same area. As the big-box stores proliferate, so do the groups.

LiveScience.com cites the study by professors at Penn State University, New Mexico State University and Michigan State University, which says that the amount of Wal-Mart stores in a county was more statistically significant than other factors usually associated with hate group participation. For example, the unemployment rate, high crime rates and low education.

As I’m just as lazy as the others who’ll jump on that eye-catching headline, here’s another lazy conclusion: because Walmart locates their stores in areas with growing population, so Walmart stores will also correlate with any number of other phenomena that require a minimum (but increasing) population.

1 Comment

  1. Another fine example of finding correlation with no causation. I would add that a quick dive into the study authors would likely find “progressive” minds at work… that is a statistical certainty. 🙂

    Comment by Dwayne — April 15, 2012 @ 18:48

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