
March 8, 2012

Cool little crossbow you wear on your wrist

Filed under: Randomness, Technology, Weapons — Tags: — Nicholas @ 10:16

Tom Kelley sent me a link to this article on a neat little device that I suspect violates weapons laws in most jurisdictions:

Last October, after hurting his knee playing hockey, Patrick Priebe was holed up in his apartment near Cologne, Germany, with nothing to do. He was sitting at his computer, staring at his keyboard, when the “Y” key caught his eye. Priebe didn’t see a letter. To him, it looked like a crossbow. Immediately he knew what his next project would be.

[. . .]

To fire, he pulls back the wire, hooks it around a brass block, and places an arrow in the groove. When he flicks the thumb trigger, the brass block drops, the wire pops forward, and the arrow flies.

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