I’ve been accumulating news snippets about the as-yet-to-be-formally-scheduled release of Guild Wars 2 for an email newsletter I send out to my friends and acquaintances in the Guild Wars community. This week has been slower in Guild Wars 2 information as everyone has been concentrating on last week’s release of the second part of the “War in Cantha” content.
Part 1: Discussion of previous news
- If you listen to podcasts, you might want to subscribe to the Guildcast weekly podcast
- Reminder: the official Guild Wars 2 wiki is still growing, so it’s worth checking it out now and again for new information.
Part 2: Guild Wars news
- Reminder: If you’d like to keep track of the Guild Wars Beyond material, keep this page bookmarked.
- Reminder: Guild Wars official support forum. Here is the FAQ page for the forums.
- Talk Tyria: It Comes From the Heart. “You may or may not have heard about Pink Day in LA, Mailbu Barbie, or the awesome team over at Gamers Giving Back, but let me tell you; these are people worth knowing and here’s why.”
- Flameseeker Chronicles: Round two – Fight! “Winds of Change part two has arrived to Guild Wars, and there was definitely much rejoicing. I’ve been looking forward to this content for a while now for many different reasons. Many of you probably know I dived in headfirst with a nice-sized audience with a livestream event an hour after the update arrived, and let me tell you: There’s nothing like stumbling through unfamiliar high-level content with a few hundred people watching. Including some of the people who created that content.”
Part 3: Guild Wars 2 news
- Guardians of Tyria: Skills. “This page will soon provide a description of every skill the Guardian has. As the game progresses it will be updated to reflect any changes or new information available. A glossary has been placed at the end of the page and images were taken from the official wiki.”
- Inc Gamers: New 3-part audio interview with Izzy. “Up-and coming YouTuber XollFury has posted this three-part in-depth interview with Izzy. Well worth a listen!”
- Guild Wars 2 Camp: A Geek Gets Flustered at Eurogamer 2011 by EvilGeek. “We had little over an hour to queue so we watched others play first. The game is seriously lovely to look at, there’s a consistency of art from GW to GW2 and with such a strong art team that’s no surprise, but boy have they moved it on, the ‘painterly aesthetic’ works incredibly well. I watched players playing the norn, charr and human starter areas, they all looked incredibly different, this game is going to be an alt paradise!”
- Tap Repeatedly: Guild Wars 2 Impressions. “I have been waiting a long time for Guild Wars 2. Years in fact. To finally get my hands on one of the most anticipated games of recent times was a mix of fear and excitement. I suddenly thought to myself as I approached the booth: “What if I don’t actually like it?”… “
- Inc Gamers: TubeElephant | Video Interview with Colin Johanson. “YouTube user TubeElephant is back, this time with a brand new video interview from Eurogamer Expo with Colin Johanson. The interview includes some previously unanswered questions so well worth the watch. Enjoy!”
- Guardians of Tyria: Interview: Tirzah Bauer talks about the guardian in PvP. “Today we get some insight on the guardian profession, specifically for PvP, from Tirzah Bauer. She works as an environment artist for ArenaNet and is part of the team that designed the Battle of Kyhlo PvP map. Tirzah was part of ArenaNet’s PvP team at gamescom and PAX Prime, where she played a female asura guardian.”
- Inc Gamers: CynicalBrit | Guild Wars 2 Developer Talk. “As a final wrap-up, TotalHalibut at CynicalBrit just uploaded a two-part video of the Eurogamer Expo Developer talk. Featuring gameplay, character creation, and more.”
- GuildWars2PvP: Team ArenaNet Interview | Part 1 – Jon Peters. “GuildWars2PvP is proud to present our ‘Team ArenaNet’ interview series! We’ll be talking to all five members of the team ArenaNet fielded for the Guild Wars 2 ESL Exhibition Matches and PAX Developer Tournament.”