
September 8, 2011

Some fire departments rescue cats from trees. Swedes rescue drunken elk from a tree

Filed under: Europe, Randomness — Tags: — Nicholas @ 08:15

It sounds like the set-up to a Monty Python skit, but Swedish firefighters had to rescue an inebriated elk from a tree:

It wasn’t until the fire brigade arrived on the scene and managed to bend the tree to the point where the exhausted elk could slide out of the branches that the animal was finally freed.

According to Johansson, it looked very much like the elk was severely drunk after eating too many fermenting apples.

Drunken elk are common in Sweden during the autumn season when there are plenty of apples lying around on the ground and hanging from branches in Swedish gardens.

While the greedy animal was reaching ever higher to reach the delicious but intoxicating fruit, it most likely stumbled into the tree, getting itself hopelessly entangled in the branches.

And from what Johansson could gather, this particular animal had been on a day-long bender.

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