
April 3, 2011

Richard Glover: “the internet may bring about the death of human civilisation”

Filed under: Environment, Media, Technology — Tags: , , , — Nicholas @ 12:26

Mr. Glover, a professional broadcaster and columnist, has determined that the collapse of civilization will come from internet trolling denialists:

It’s increasingly apparent that the internet may bring about the death of human civilisation, beating out previous contenders such as nuclear holocaust and the election of George W. Bush.

The agents of this planetary death will be the climate-change deniers who, it’s now clear, owe much of their existence to the internet. Would the climate-change deniers be this sure of themselves without the internet?

Somehow I doubt it. They are so damn confident.

They don’t just bury their heads in the sand, they fiercely drive their own heads energetically into the nearest beachfront, their bums defiantly aquiver as they fart their toxic message to the world. How can they be so confident, in the face of so much evidence to the contrary?

It’s the internet, of course, and the way it has given climate-change deniers the perfect forum — one in which groups of quite dim people can swap spurious information, reassuring each other there’s no evidence on the other side, right up to the point they’ve derailed all efforts to save the planet. Call it ”mutually reassured destruction”.


  1. Do you think he sees the irony? No, I don’t think so either.

    Comment by Lickmuffin — April 4, 2011 @ 09:16

  2. But he’s a professional, so irony is lost on him anyway.

    Comment by Nicholas — April 4, 2011 @ 13:01

  3. Actually most climate change deniers are on to the fact it is a process/policy problem and not “the science”. Warmers will try to bog down an argument with “the Science”, claiming all those that don’t have a science degree be prevented from commenting. This, is of course, B.S. in that all the errors in the climate change manifesto result from 1. shoddy statistics 2. the lack of records on just how the climate software was “customized”, 3. the coyness of the IPCC in not making it perfectly clear that their mandate was to examine ONLY man-made climate change, not climate change in general.

    Comment by Wallhouse Wart — April 4, 2011 @ 12:59

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