
May 2, 2010

Latest trick to play on your drinking buddies

Filed under: Randomness, Science — Tags: , , — Nicholas @ 10:13

Roofies are so passé. Now it’s the Girlifier you need to watch for:

German boffins say they have developed a miracle nasal spray which can make men into big girls’ blouses.

Dr René Hurlemann of Bonn Uni’s Klinik für Psychiatrie, working with colleagues in Germany, Arizona and Blighty, has just announced successful tests of the new girlification spray — whose active ingredient is the hormone oxytocin.

[. . .]

Control-group German men who had been given a placebo rather than the soppiness compound reacted normally, either unemotionally or with mild discomfort. But the hapless subjects who had been given the drug showed “significantly higher emotional empathy levels”, according to Hurlemann.

“The males under test achieved levels [of emotion] which would normally only be expected in women,” says a statement from Bonn University, indicating that they had cooed or even blubbed at the sight of the affecting images.

H/T to Chris Taylor who said understated “No good can come of this”.

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