
March 10, 2010

Slight stylesheet change

Filed under: Administrivia — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 00:01

A comment by “sm” let me know that not everyone was seeing the same formatting on the blog that I was seeing (the term he used was “spidery” to describe the text). As I’m not an expert at stylesheets, I consulted Jon, my former virtual landlord. He quickly diagnosed the problem as a stray lettering specification which affected most paragraphs, but which didn’t show up for visitors using ClearType. Each of the machines I’d been using to post on the blog had ClearType turned on, so I wasn’t seeing any issues.

So I’ve changed the stylesheet to remove the negative letter spacing, which should provide a better viewing experience for anyone not using Windows XP/Vista.


  1. Nce to s y mvng yr vwls gn, Nck ….

    Comment by Chris greaves — March 10, 2010 @ 05:40

  2. 7|-|4|\||<$ \/3r'/ /\/\U(|-|, (|-|r1$. 1 |-|0P3 j00Z'\/3 Ph0U|\|D 7|-|3 (|-|4|\|93 70 b3 p0$171\/3.

    Comment by Nicholas — March 10, 2010 @ 09:36

  3. Can’t read comment #2? It’s what happens when you send the text “Thanks very much, Chris. I hope you’ve found the change to be positive.” through the L337 Speak Translator.

    Comment by Nicholas — March 10, 2010 @ 09:38

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