
October 16, 2009

Olympia Snowe: Mighty Morphing Power Republican!

Filed under: Politics, USA — Tags: — Nicholas @ 12:26

David Harsanyi discusses the recently discovered bi-partisan super powers of Olympia Snowe:

It is always curious to hear irascible members of one political party accuse members of the opposing party of “playing politics” as if it were a bad thing. Can you imagine? Politics. In Washington, no less.

As you know, Democrats claim to be above such petty, divisive and low-brow behavior, especially on those days they are running both houses of Congress and the White House. What this country really needs, we are incessantly reminded, are more mavericks. Well, Republican mavericks. Folks who say “yes.”

How starved is the White House to unearth some imaginary bipartisanship on the health care front?

Consider that for possibly the first time in American history, a vote in a Senate committee was the lead story for news organizations across the country, simply because the ideologically bewildered Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, used her inconsequential vote to move forward a government-run health care bill.

Judging from the coverage, you might have thought that Snowe had nailed her 95 theses to the door of the Republican National Committee headquarters rather than sit in a safe seat and habitually vote with Democrats.

“Forget Sarah Palin,” remarked The Associated Press. “The female maverick of the Republican Party is Sen. Olympia Snowe.” CNN’s rational, reasonable, moderate Democrat, Paul Begala, called Snowe the “last rational, reasonable, moderate Republican.”

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