
July 16, 2009

High Street (photographic) hijinks

Filed under: Britain, Law — Tags: , — Nicholas @ 09:53

In spite of the absurdity, it’s now apparently against the law to take photographs if you’re too tall:

According to his blog, our over-tall photographer Alex Turner was taking snaps in Chatham High St last Thursday, when he was approached by two unidentified men. They did not identify themselves, but demanded that he show them some ID and warned that if he failed to comply, they would summon police officers to deal with him.

This they did, and a PCSO and WPC quickly joined the fray. Turner took a photo of the pair, and was promptly arrested. It is unclear from his own account precisely what he was being arrested for. However, he does record that the WPC stated she had felt threatened by him when he took her picture, referring to his size — 5′ 11″ and about 12 stone — and implying that she found it intimidating.

Turner claims he was handcuffed, held in a police van for around 20 minutes, and forced to provide ID before they would release him. He was then searched in public by plain clothes officers who failed to provide any ID before they did so.

(Cross-posted to the old blog, http://bolditalic.com/quotulatiousness_archive/005588.html.)

1 Comment

  1. Only in America!



    Comment by Jeff — July 17, 2009 @ 07:38

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