
May 10, 2010

Six years of blogging

Filed under: Administrivia, Media — Tags: — Nicholas @ 08:57

Six years ago today, Jon installed a copy of MovableType on his server and invited me to start my own blog. He got tired of his own blog fairly quickly, but in an odd sort of way it still lives on — I named my blog Quotulatiousness as a joking reference to his Blogulatiousness.

The very first post was pretty indicative of what I’d be doing on the blog for the next six years: a brief introduction, a long-ish quote from the linked item of interest, and a brief closing comment (in that case, no actual commentary).

2004 was a pretty busy year, so if you’re terminally bored, you can sample a bit of blog history here (most of these entries don’t follow the pattern of the first blog post):

In short, I’m still one of the laziest bloggers on the planet, but I’m still blogging after half a century in blog-years (most blogs start up with a few quick posts, then fade out never to be updated again).

Thanks again to Jon, both for getting me started in blogging, and for continuing to host my archives from the first five years.


  1. My six year anniversary is in August. Heavens, we are both getting old Nicholas. Happy Birthday!

    Comment by Publius — May 10, 2010 @ 09:57

  2. Thanks, Publius. We’re a couple of rare survivors from our blog-class of 2004.

    Comment by Nicholas — May 10, 2010 @ 10:31

  3. congratulations. six years is a great achievement. think of it as six down, the rest of your life to go.

    Comment by Penman — May 10, 2010 @ 14:40

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