
August 12, 2009

Cellaring your wine in restricted spaces

Filed under: Britain, Wine — Nicholas @ 00:04

Liam sent me this link, which may be of interest to wine fans who don’t have a lot of space for a proper cellar:

What is a Spiral Cellar?

It’s the quickest, cheapest and easiest way of building a wine cellar for your house.

A watertight, pre-cast cylindrical system that’s sunk into the ground, it can be located anywhere from kitchen to conservatory, workshop to study. It can be installed into an existing ground floor room, or incorporated into the build of an extension or new property.

If you’re the sort of person who never keeps any wine for more than a week or two then a cellar might not be necessary. But if you always like to have a few dozen bottles around the place and tend to keep bottles for months or years before drinking them, then you need a Spiral Cellar.

Perhaps of less use for apartment and condominium dwellers, however.

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