
May 10, 2013

Nine years of blogging

Filed under: Administrivia, Media — Tags: — Nicholas @ 00:01

Nine years is a very long lifespan for a blog. The vast majority of blogs don’t even make it to a first anniversary before the blogger loses interest and stops updating it. As I have no other particular claims to distinction, I’ll hang my hat on longevity. If I were to do it over again, I’d probably have come up with a different name for the blog, but for a spur-of-the-moment joke, it’s held up well enough. I guess.

One thing I don’t regret is not specializing in a particular area. I’m not an economist, or a military historian, or a political theorist, but I have interests in those areas that crop up relatively frequently here on the blog. I don’t generally post personal items, as there are lots of other venues (like Facebook) which are better suited to that sort of thing … and I live a fairly boring life, so exotic trips and exciting adventures are things I read about rather than experience directly. I especially don’t post about (past) employers or (current) clients in a way that they could be identified: that’s the sort of thing that tends to have only negative repercussions.

I did a retrospective round-up of the first year for the 2010 anniversary, the “best of 2005″ for 2011, and posts from 2006 last year. To stay on that path requires a look at what I posted in 2007 (and may still have some relevance or interest):

January, 2007

February, 2007

March, 2007 (a very busy month, resulting in very low blog output)

  • Our dystopian future?. “Brad Warbiany takes a moment to glance into his crystal ball and finds . . . shite”
  • “Good job, buddy!”. An extended comment from a regular reader becomes a full blog post.
  • Very disturbing development. “These guys are not exemplars of “warriors”. They’re parties to conspiracy and murder. That is not what soldiers do. The distinction may be a bit subtle for those raised on anti-war protests and anti-military propaganda, however. “

April, 2007

  • Toronto to export garbage at retail level. The social and political side of garbage collection.
  • The diet dilemma. The inevitable result of two trends: more sedentary adult life and cheaper food.
  • Why have an army at all?. A letter to the Toronto Star suggests that Canada has no actual need for any armed forces at all.
  • Everybody’s talking about it . . .. Some conversations just repeat on a regular basis. This discussion of how a criminal got his hands on the weapons he used in his crime could be copy-pasted into any month of the last decade.
  • Somehow, I’m not convinced. A long-standing problem with using US college students as guinea pigs for sociological experiments is that they’re not truly representative even of Americans, never mind non-westerners. Your results will be biased due to the sample you’re using.
  • Potential outages. Jon switched ISPs at the end of April. It took several days to get the blog up and running at the new ISP. An abortive effort was made to update to the then-current version of MovableType, but eventually he had to admit it wasn’t working properly and revert back to the older install.

May, 2007 (a death in the family meant another month of irregular updates)

June, 2007

July, 2007 re-employment took its toll on blogging output

August, 2007

September, 2007

October, 2007 (the job was consuming all my waking hours this month, so blog posts were very light indeed)

  • There’s no place like Florida. There’s just something … special … about Florida.
  • Voting day in Ontario. The election John Tory had to work really hard to lose. But he somehow managed the trick.
  • Micro microeconomics. I explain “Russon’s Law of Economics” as applied to the Ontario economy just before the entire North American economy hit the skids. In hindsight, this was a flashing red light about the near-term performance across all retail sectors.
  • The anti-age-effects movement. Rather than working toward mere longevity, put efforts into reducing or even eliminating the worst aspects of old age.

November, 2007 (deadline pressures at work kept blogging light)

December, 2007


  1. Congrats on your 9th year. I visit daily to see what you have found interesting on the net, to tell the truth. I imagine, like most internet folks, I gravitate toward blogs that share my interests and provide me links to stories I would find interesting to read. So thank you for doing the work to find stories that I like!

    Comment by Dwayne — May 10, 2013 @ 09:32

  2. I visit daily to see what you have found interesting on the net, to tell the truth.

    My job here is complete. 😉

    And thanks for visiting. And commenting.

    Comment by Nicholas — May 10, 2013 @ 09:59

  3. We’ve both been doing this way too long!

    Which is what I think I wrote last year.

    All the best

    Comment by Richard Anderson — May 10, 2013 @ 10:32

  4. We’ve both been doing this way too long!

    It’s rather like the classic definition of insanity: doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Yet we both carry on regardless.

    I wonder if there’ll be an entry in the DSM VI for “blogging”?

    Comment by Nicholas — May 10, 2013 @ 12:30

  5. Congrats from another ‘2004’ blogger (Sept) and former BAoNPC member.
    I, too, have always avoided blogging about past employer(s); I any don’t have current ‘clients’. Negative repercussions? Oh well.

    Comment by CQ — May 12, 2013 @ 17:02

  6. Google may not know everything, but Google users can find just about anything. I keep my clients’ specific information confidential, both because it’s the right thing to do and because it’s what I would expect of organizations I deal with.

    Comment by Nicholas — May 13, 2013 @ 09:52

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