
October 28, 2010

Help some Canadian bloggers against “lawfare”

Filed under: Cancon, Law, Liberty, Media — Tags: , , , — Nicholas @ 08:03

Richard Warman is suing several Canadian bloggers (among many, many suits he’s launched), including Kathy Shaidle:

As many of you know, I — along with Ezra Levant and others — are already being sued by former Canadian “Human Rights” Commission employee Richard Warman.

Now my husband Arnie — a.k.a. the blogger BlazingCatFur — is also being sued by Warman, also for criticizing his activities at the CHRC.

Warman is suing for $500,000.

Arnie has already spent $10,000 in legal fees. We’ve put off asking for help for more than a year, but we now are coming to you for assistance.

Among the issues in the latest suit is the claim that merely linking to a “far right website” (in this case, SteynOnline) can be considered actionable.


  1. Thanks for your support! It’s much needed and much appreciated!

    Comment by Blazingcatfur — October 28, 2010 @ 11:06

  2. At the risk of straining at gnats, it’s not quite that simple. Linking SteynOnline is not actionable, it’s linking a particular post at SteynOnline which repeats an allegedly false accusation (i.e. repeats a libel).

    Steyn himself isn’t getting sued because he wrote his article in the United States, and under state law a statement about a public figure based on evidence which later turns out to be false isn’t libel. North of the border, we get no such protection; theoretically any Canadian who links to that post can get sued.

    Comment by Chris Taylor — October 29, 2010 @ 08:30

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