
October 22, 2009

It’s not a clever satire

Filed under: Liberty, Media, USA — Tags: , , — Nicholas @ 07:58

John Dvorak thought that this was “meant to be satire or commentary (or is it?) on where London is heading with it’s multiple cameras on every street and where the former East Germany was. And were we could eventually go if we aren’t vigilant.” I don’t think so:

The link provided goes to the LAPD website. Creepy.

1 Comment

  1. I want to report every one of these creeps.

    You know what’s really disappointing? Today’s fascists have absolutely no fashion sense. They all look like bums. Where are the spiffy uniforms? I thought there were going to be spiffy uniforms.

    What is the point of being a thug or informer if you don’t get to wear a spiffy uniform? I’m not asking for much. I mean, I don’t want an armband or anything. The leather belt across the chest, though… yeah, I want that. But the armbands we could do without.

    Comment by Lickmuffin — October 22, 2009 @ 18:16

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